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kvlco t1_ir12bad wrote

Also, the stupid luddite terrorist becoming the hero of the movie was too much for me..


BbxTx t1_ir13k7m wrote

Seems silly at first but realize that it will probably be some religious groups that will do some crazy anti-AGI stuff. Some people will never accept a machine “singularity” vs their religious beliefs.


gameryamen t1_ir3ksrs wrote

One of my favorite details from the Altered Carbon books was that Catholicism was Earth-bound. The Church took the position that digitizing your consciousness was an affront to God, so all the other planets got settled without any Catholics. They leaned into this a bit in the show, but not in terms of interplanetary settlement.


red75prime t1_ir1zm3m wrote

I expect AI rights movement to do dangerous stuff on par or worse than religious fanatics.


ObjectiveDeal t1_ir3u2na wrote

Have you seen the republicans party. Anything science they hate


QuantumReplicator t1_ir2knyn wrote

I didn’t interpret those terrorists as the heroes at all. I think they were meant to have equal levels of moral ambiguity vs the Human-ASI hybrid who was controlling humans with a hive mind. Both could be easily misunderstood by an outsider.


pentin0 t1_irtz87m wrote

I've learned to accept the fact that most human beings (even those on this sub) are uncomfortable with nuance