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Cryptizard t1_ir149xd wrote

>soon, Deepmind, OpenAI, and others will have a model in their hands that you can interact with that will provide all the correct answers to significant scientific questions: how to perform fusion, create affordable quantum computers, create new propulsion technology, and reverse aging.

This is a wild, wild assumption. Not only in terms of timeline (which I think is insanely optimistic) but even that some of these problems HAVE solutions. It might be the case that it is literally impossible to have efficient small-scale fusion power. There could be a physical limit of the universe that prevents it. It might be impossible to scale quantum computers beyond a certain number of qubits. It might be impossible to reverse aging. None of these things are guaranteed even with strong AI.

We really have no idea what is going to happen and anyone that tells you they do is lying or wrong.


kmtrp OP t1_ir1xdpy wrote

I agree some things may be physically impossible, but there are no physical impossibilities for fusion, nowadays it's "only" an engineering problem, we don't even need new materials. Quantum computing I don't know, but you get the gist of the idea.