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dnimeerf t1_ir562pt wrote

Look at all the progress made by naysayers and downvoters. They are so superior and smart, we should all just do whatever our dopamine and fear tell us to. That isn't at all how we got into this mess by being irresponsible hedons right? So if we just keep on things will improve? How long have the elite been calling It progress? Is there real assessment on whether this will ACTUALLY lead to progress, or regression? Will this medicine be available to anyone? Or will it only be available to some people for some reasons? I for one do not wish to trade my freedom and liberty for enslavement and a false sense of security for my fear and dopamine response. Short sighted decisions tend to destroy people and they end up taking those around them down with them because of their desperation. The "cure" likely comes with strings attached, like "the mark"
