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dnimeerf t1_ir6w7s8 wrote

What do you plan to contribute to civilization when given the privilege to keep drawing from global and intergalactic resource pools? That's a lot of transparency you'll have to have there, are you ready for that sort of responsibility? There will be many that will advocate for me and others to continue living or to extend our lives, I'm sure that there may even be an accord that will try to legally force us to stay alive and continue our life's work past what would be healthy for us. Immortality isn't a toy, except to the powerful who are paying for it to be used against you. Tell me again why you are so valuable and deserve to live longer than others? To use resources, and create waste...


Whattaboutthecosmos t1_ir7fi2m wrote

I'm going to break this down a little to try to keep my thoughts coherent:

>What do you plan to contribute to civilization when given the privilege to keep drawing from global and intergalactic resource pools?

For my primary goal, I would like to work to make sure that everything has access to as many possibilities as they like. Secondarily, I would also like to enjoy experiencing those possibilities myself.

> That's a lot of transparency you'll have to have there, are you ready for that sort of responsibility?
Transparency in what way? Could you elaborate? Given that I am willing to die to achieve my primary goal, I would say that I am ready for any responsibility. But to be honest, I'm not entirely sure.

>There will be many that will advocate for me and others to continue living or to >extend our lives, I'm sure that there may even be an accord that will try to legally >force us to stay alive and continue our life's work past what would be healthy for >us.

This makes sense to me.

> Immortality isn't a toy, except to the powerful who are paying for it to be used >against you.
I don't see how you got to this conclusion. I believe we can agree that we are both alive right now. I believe we can also agree that we don't want to die right now. I think that powerful people are already using their existence to exploit us. I believe I still want to continue living right now despite that. I suppose I will ask you a question: When do you want to die? And will you hold yourself to that date and time?

>Tell me again why you are so valuable and deserve to live longer than others? To use resources, and create waste...

I am valuable because I value myself.