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TrainingAfternoon860 t1_ir86szv wrote

Hows that a problem it’s a natural part of life it’s not something you can cure


naturethesupreme OP t1_ir87918 wrote

Check up Aubrey d greys, David sinclair and experiments on animals related to this topic, even about certain species of plants and animals that display countermeasures to ageing


Primus_Pilus1 t1_ir8o4nr wrote

Explain immortal animals then and why it would be unnatural to attempt to duplicate what some animals already do??


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_ir8r0ko wrote

because we are not those Animals anyway this does not even matter Ageing is not a disease and cannot be stopped


Primus_Pilus1 t1_iracfq1 wrote

Actually it can be slowed. If it can be slowed via various methods, it can eventually be stopped.

Aging is is simply replication failures in cells across the body compounded until death.


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_irad2lr wrote

No it cannot be slowed or stopped this study from the university explained what I am talking about I can’t find the actual paper but here is the article


TheHamsterSandwich t1_iraztis wrote

Do you just believe everything you read?

"There is little science can currently do to stop or slow aging."

This has nothing to do with future advancements.


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_irb0mmz wrote

Perhaps actually read the full article instead of nit picking this clearly has a big effect on future advancements


Primus_Pilus1 t1_ircl3i8 wrote

Yes and scientists said we would never fly. Or that we would never fly faster than the speed of sound. Don't believe it when scientists say you cannot.


TheHamsterSandwich t1_ire41j6 wrote

"No! Suffering is natural! You can't have life without suffering. Just give up, scientists. You've got nothing on mother nature."


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_irg9uo7 wrote

People also said we would have flying cars by now and some AI experts in the 70s said they would build AGI in 12 months we should always be skeptical of optimistic claims be it someone claiming the future or saying something impossible both should be taken with a grain of salt but if they have genuine reasons then there’s No reason to completely reject something


TheHamsterSandwich t1_irr10pu wrote

It's sensible to skeptical of a futurist, but it doesn't make any sense to just outright deny what aging researchers think.