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Rakshear t1_ir8o8kz wrote

Inject that hopium between my souls toes


GhostInTheNight03 t1_ir8roa4 wrote

Best not to get too excited lol...even as a 19 year old I still worry I'm gonna faceplant in front of the finish line which is gut wrenching and sad


DedRuck t1_irao8xo wrote

yep dude 18 here and i cannot tell you how eternally enraged my soul would be if it turned out we’re the last generation before exponential technological expansion


HyperImmune t1_irayinz wrote

I’m twice your age, I remember a time with no internet…I used encyclopedia’s for school projects. I’d say you’re safe to see what you want to see. The world will be unrecognizable when you are my age.


DedRuck t1_irc7xri wrote

i hope so but at the same time im scared it could be a “we’ll all have flying cars by the year 2000” type dream


DedRuck t1_irc84jg wrote

but you’re right i’d say even in the past 10 years technology has come such a long way i hope we can all see it come to fruition