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TheHamsterSandwich t1_irhvddq wrote

You're confusing raw intelligence with self preservation.


OneRedditAccount2000 OP t1_irhxy75 wrote

Do I really have to say it again?

ASI "alpha go" used by people = (people) wants to live forever and own everything

ASI with consciousness/self determination = wants to live forever and own everything

I think even Putin said that who makes ASI first will rule the world, if it's even worth saying something so obvious

All countries/large organizations/groups of people are already trying to rule the world without ASI

We're territorial animals

Lions don't hang out with elephants , Monkeys don't live with chimps etc.

The momemt AI workers become a thing, there's nothing motivating those who own ASI to keep people around. A virus would do the job.


TheHamsterSandwich t1_irhyak2 wrote

"used by people = (people) wants to live forever and own everything"

Not everyone wants to live forever, nor do they want to own everything.


TheHamsterSandwich t1_irhyibt wrote

"We're territorial animals"

Artificial intelligence is not an animal. So yeah...

That's the reason it's "artificial". Humans created it. It didn't occur through nature's development.


OneRedditAccount2000 OP t1_iri0ifb wrote

So it's a "chess engine" used by animals, that's your point? I ask the program what the best move is, and the program jus tells me the move, yes?

And you think animals aren't gonna behave like animals when they have better toys to play with? Can you even breathe air without acting in your own self interest?


OneRedditAccount2000 OP t1_irhyxuj wrote

Now we're getting philosophical

If I make ASI, wouldn't it be rational that I would want to use it to its full potential? How can I do that if I live inside a state that has authority over me and can tell me that I can't do certain things, and will also very much love to steal or control my ASI?

Someone will inevitably use ASI for that purpose, if not its creators

Think of it like this

Let's say Mars becomes a clone of Earth without people and it's obviously full of natural resources

What happens next?

Someone will want to take that land, and take as much land as they can take

There's gonna be a flag on that fucking planet if that planet is useful to people, and some groups will obviously take more land than others

I'm a hedonist, maybe that's why I think the creators of ASI wouldn't be suicidal?

Mars here is a metaphor for the value ASI will generate

Life is a competition, a zero sum game


OneRedditAccount2000 OP t1_iri1xqg wrote

I'd like to say that ASI wouldn't even need to be self aware/feel a survival instinct to perform the actions in the thought experiment. It just needs to be told "Survive and reproduce" and then the "chess engine" will destroy humanity, and will try to destroy everything in the whole universe it identifies as a possible threat. Even bacteria, because bacteria are not 100% harmless. This shit will not stop until it "assimilates" the whole goddamn fucking universe. All billions of galaxies. Nothing will be able to take it down. This will really be the mother of all nukes. One mistake, and everything that breathes in the entire universe will be annihilated. The closest real equivalent to a lovecraftian creature. You should watch the movie oblivion if you want to better visualize my thread. Sally/Tet is literally the cinematic incarnation of this thought experiment.