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zvndmvn t1_irav52v wrote

There was a time in which computers, the internet, smartphones and social media were unfathomable concepts to the average person, but it just took time. We'll get there with AI, sooner or later.


Cold-Ad2729 t1_irb3atg wrote

Like back when I was a kid 🤦‍♂️


dreamedio t1_ircow1p wrote

You must be like 60 now


sideways t1_ircvv93 wrote

You underestimate how quickly things have progressed.


Marvele10 t1_irdseqy wrote

I'm 31 and the first smartphone came out when I was 17, already finishing high school. Until then I hadn't even imagined the concept of a smartphone.

60 yo people are from the time of black and white TV. Your time perception is all off lol


zvndmvn t1_irdzgbd wrote

I'm about the same age. I still remember my friend telling me about the iPhone at school.

"Apple's making a phone with no buttons, it's just one big screen."

Me: "Pff, that'll never catch on."

While texting with the numpad on my flip phone... 😂


dreamedio t1_irdymrm wrote

Computers and internet existed back then tho so it wasn’t really unimaginable


Marvele10 t1_iremzxh wrote

If you go by that logic then computers were imaginable for our grandparents because they had TV...