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Marvele10 t1_irdseqy wrote

I'm 31 and the first smartphone came out when I was 17, already finishing high school. Until then I hadn't even imagined the concept of a smartphone.

60 yo people are from the time of black and white TV. Your time perception is all off lol


zvndmvn t1_irdzgbd wrote

I'm about the same age. I still remember my friend telling me about the iPhone at school.

"Apple's making a phone with no buttons, it's just one big screen."

Me: "Pff, that'll never catch on."

While texting with the numpad on my flip phone... 😂


dreamedio t1_irdymrm wrote

Computers and internet existed back then tho so it wasn’t really unimaginable


Marvele10 t1_iremzxh wrote

If you go by that logic then computers were imaginable for our grandparents because they had TV...