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Redvolition t1_iub8a8t wrote

The biggest question for me is whether or not we are going to run into the same type of diminishing returns as Full Self-Driving did, as we get 90 to 99% of functionality really quick, but then the rest of the 10 to 1% takes forever.

Some commented, and I agree, that if it is indeed the case that the last few percent will be the hardest, then only the lower end of production value within the entertainment industry will see substantial disruption, such as indie, YouTube, manga, anime, and porn, but the big budged, big name producers, not so much, as their user base tends to include a higher percentage of people that would be upset about seeing a few stray edges or colors around, whereas the viewers of lower production content would not care so much.


TheSingulatarian t1_iubgaii wrote

We should see at a minimum more sci-fi and fantasy movies and TV as the production costs go down.


GenoHuman t1_iucwor2 wrote

that is an odd way to look at it, wouldn't AI disrupt processes within those larger producers too?


Powerful_Range_4270 t1_iubzbzc wrote

It will be harder but not impossible. Because that would mean there is something special about us that cant be automated. Self driving cars to me are not diminishing returns if you don't give up.