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SteppenAxolotl t1_irjbb5y wrote

>Are people in democratic states safe?


A singleton manipulated by a stable genius could lead to a stable and eternal totalitarian regime. 74 million Americans would cheer the establishment of such a system, but they would never be able to undo it later.

The Third Reich wasn't stable and eternal, but the Nazis party and Hitler were voted into power.

>On 30 January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany, the head of government, by the president of the Weimar Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, the head of state. The Nazi Party then began to eliminate all political opposition and consolidate its power. Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934, and Hitler became dictator of Germany by merging the offices and powers of the chancellery and presidency. A national referendum held 19 August 1934 confirmed Hitler as sole Führer (leader) of Germany. All power was centralised in Hitler's person and his word became the highest law.

All that was needed was a superintelligent AI giving effective advise and the outcome could have been different, the Thousand-Year Reich instead of the 12-Year Reich .


kmtrp t1_irjv2w1 wrote

People going on about sentient machines, making humans extinct... nah. This is the real nightmare, and it is more than plausible.

The first people accessing an ASI will be tempted in a way no human has been tempted before. Not using that power to alleviate human suffering may be less dangerous than using it as you see fit, regardless of your intentions. Power corrupts, and this will be a power like no other.


Desperate_Donut8582 t1_irmzb95 wrote

I mean let’s be real if I had access to it I would most definitely be a dictator so would anyone


Top-Cry-8492 t1_irvs5w6 wrote

Why do you think AGI could be so easily controlled? I am going to build something way smarter than me and have it do my bidding! These people can't even get their kids to do their bidding.


SteppenAxolotl t1_iscq4kn wrote

Why do you think AGI will be a person?

AlphaFold is way smarter than you in predicting protein folding, it does exactly what it's instructed to do every time without fail.