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Ijustdowhateva t1_irjvzm5 wrote

I personally believe the LEV will be reached by 2050 at the latest, but we'll definitely make significant progress up until that point.

Even if we're not at the LEV, we'll have significantly advanced our understanding of aging and will be able to slow it down a good bit.

If I was a betting man, which I am, I'd wager anyone under the age of 65 has a good chance of making it.


Rakshear t1_irk93ys wrote

Unless they have health problems.


[deleted] t1_irl9kuv wrote



Rakshear t1_irldwun wrote

Got to live long enough to get them


LoasNo111 t1_irm8ue7 wrote

Is getting cryogenically frozen a good option? I'm considering it for my parents. Will it even be possible to revive them?


Rakshear t1_irmrzc0 wrote

Not right not, last I heard anything over 6 months and your brains are mashed potatoes. Granted it’s been a while since I looked into it.