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r0cket-b0i t1_irkv0m1 wrote

>ll reverse 20 years and then make no progress for 100, maybe lev will happen or will not, who know

This hypothesis goes against all current trends in science ... not saying its completely impossible but probability wise - in the age most densely packed with discoveries and advances to be projecting a sudden 100 year freeze of innovation is counter intuitive.


YuenHsiaoTieng t1_irm0hw1 wrote

I kind of feel like this is exactly what automobiles did.


r0cket-b0i t1_irm0qa8 wrote

You mean they stopped innovating? Modern S class type of a car is technically a very sophisticated robot with hundreds of sensors that only looks similar to a car from 1990s (metal, 4 wheels).

Would be nice if same happened to humans- u would look like a normal human but inside are magnitudes of innovation, edited genes, nano bots etc just how a modern car knows if you fall asleep, knows outdoor weather knows tire pressure, sees impact happen seconds in advance to move your seat and tighten your beld... none of it was in a car even in 2000 I think.

Similarly you can take a look at a modern smartphone, looks similar to say Nokia N97 from what 15 years ago ? But a modern phone has a dedicated AI hardware, does absolute miracles with pixel videon and photography in terms of recognition of objects, extrapolation etc, computationally equal to a server work station from 15 Years ago,again nothing wrong with it looking simular or even behaving similar, it's fundamentally a very different device.