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Future_Believer t1_irptey8 wrote

As any good lawyer would tell you, the answer lies (at least in part) in the definition of your terms.

I always say that I want to be the entity in charge of an interstellar spaceship. Whether it is purely my consciousness that is uploaded or my physical brain is wired into a ultra-mega computer the idea is that my body is replaced with an incredibly complex and capable spaceship.

At that stage of the game, what would a romantic relationship look like? With no genitals and no endocrine system, the fact that "I" had a near infinite number of sensors feeding me information from all of the vessel's subsystems would be of interest but, would not make romantic love in my current human idiom feasible.

We prejudice ourselves with the misnomer "Artificial Intelligence". I generally refer to it as "Manufactured Intelligence" because the actual intelligence will be quite real. I cannot say whether such an intelligence would be capable of loving me but, I see no reason why I would be incapable of developing affection for that entity.

My dream of being a spaceship is not the only dream. As far as we know every planet, dwarf planet, moon and asteroid is unique. They will all "need" to be explored if the goal is expanding human knowledge. However, the frailty of our current bodies is a limiting factor. We could quite reasonably have billions of humans in more durable form exploring throughout the galaxy but we could also have just a few and all the other explorers might be run by MIs. We might not even think to ask if a given Intelligence is "human". I suppose we also might evolve away from a need for love once we have no physical reproductive need.

At some point we will have to stop trying to evaluate an advanced world through the lens of cavemen with technology. At some point we will have to acknowledge that things will change drastically enough that analyses based on the current human physical idiom will be of no use whatsoever.


modestLife1 t1_irq3wdk wrote

if you needed to refill your spaceship with gas at the gas station, would it count as sechs and would you enjoy it


happy_guy_2015 t1_irq9y6z wrote

Have you read "The ship who sang" by Anne McAffrey? 1969 sci-fi. Great book. If you like the idea of being a spaceship then you should definitely read that book.


Cold-Ad2729 t1_irqeqai wrote

You probably should read the “Bobiverse” books too