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4e_65_6f t1_irrf9u5 wrote

Yeah specially in this sub, sometimes you'll get an answer and you'll be like "is this gpt-3?" and sometimes it is.

Also some people pretend to be robots which makes it extra confusing. LMAO

There's nothing we can do might as well get used to it.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_irrgddh wrote

I wonder if just assuming everything is fake until you acquire citations is the only way to go forward. It's truly exhausting.


4e_65_6f t1_irrhhea wrote

For now, there's still little tells that give it away. Like logic arguments seems to be too hard for engines, but I can't imagine that lasting much longer.(even then you may think you're talking to someone who is just stupid)

But yeah I can't think of any good solutions, it's a good rule to just be skeptical of everything in general.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_irsisvo wrote

The only issue is if they just disengage the conversation after a comment or 2. Like humans do all the time.


Vaellyth t1_irt5alg wrote

It's sad but this is pretty much where I'm at.

Between all the misinformation--political, product plugs, ignorance, lies--and the fact that we can't even be certain of history, because it was written by the victors; or that seemingly innocuous things like the dismantling of a ship can be a cover-story for far darker things; the people in power, who benefit from the status quo, have no motivation for change, and gain nothing in sharing the truth.

But they can just throw money at problems until they disappear, so what can any one person do? I'm not at all saying that it's something I'd like to see. But I don't believe anything short of a bloody revolution can change things the way they are now.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_irtf9c9 wrote

Let's hope for a a more civilized revolution, or perhaps AI can shepherd us into better living standards.

I try to be optimistic of the future and its potential, but as a kid I didn't think the 2020s would be so brutal for cost of living. Not to mention people in power don't even have to try and hide the shitty deeds they do anymore, they just do it and have half the people chanting for more. We live in a strange world now.


SgtAstro t1_irryuvi wrote

You also have to question if it is just the curated content Reddit is serving you. How is Reddit using your app behavior to create a front page for you based on your subs and such. I see a lot of content from subs that I am not part of show up in my feed.

All social media, even reddit has AI algorithms that curate content to put users in to demographic groups that can be targeted by advertisers.

They don't change the content, they change you.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_irsjh87 wrote

Well I do question that, but these are often the subs everyone will see because they're default subs and the most popular.

Social media just encourages echo chambers and conflict. And I feel like bots are a becoming a very large part of encouraging engagement from users.


SgtAstro t1_irst8ya wrote

I don't think the platforms are providing the bots. Platforms have the objective of increasing engagement.

Bots are being used by people, organizations and governments with goals. Usually, effectiveness is increased with more exposure, so their goal of gaming the platform algorithm to maximize engagement with their content aligns with the platform's broad objectives.

But the motives and actors are separate and distinct.

Think of the bot content as the payload, and the platform as a vulnerable service that is being hacked.


Gimbloy t1_iruky6w wrote

I’m astonished how insecure, leaky and anarchic the internet is. I think a decade from now we will look back on the current internet as the Wild West: manipulation, hacks, spam, viruses, bots. Hopefully by then the internet will be a lot nicer place where people come to vote, work and socialise.