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FranciscoJ1618 t1_irthirw wrote

No jobs. Because if everything can be made better and cheaper by a machine and also there's abundance of everything then it doesn't make sense to work at all. It wouldn't be profitable and nobody would like an inferior product or service for a higher price.


theferalturtle OP t1_irtk9k8 wrote

I think that people will still need to stay busy and there will be a market for human made products, flaws and all. Home made booze or furniture or art.


Kinexity t1_irtnf8e wrote

Passion projects are not jobs. A job is something you do because you have to to earn money. People will do stuff and share it but you cannot have jobs where every possible service is available without human work.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_irx1w6h wrote

This, it’s about eradication of the suffering just to barely stay alive. The goal is to make everything a hobby, not a dog eat dog requirement via natural selection. The world we live in is like a free for all battle royale, monetarily, biologically and socially.

Fuck that noise, let’s give everyone the tools to be whatever they want, have whatever they want, or do whatever they want without being a slave to money or biology.


gantork t1_irtn8ro wrote

If we get to such a technological point I doubt anyone will have trouble staying busy or entertained. People are just so used to work that they have trouble imagining life without it.


GenoHuman t1_is0n75w wrote

Yeah future generations will think it must have been awful having to work for most of your life when their only existence is in leisure.


FranciscoJ1618 t1_irufkjo wrote

I think the problem is exactly what you say. People will need to stay busy because of evolutionary and psychological traits but they will feel frustrated in any case. They won't be able to get profit from what they try to do, or if we are talking about a hobbie, any result from it will be ridiculous compared to what a machine can do. So frustration from being non lucrative or from being insignificant compared to the AI alternative.

That's why the current artist crisis. Right now artistic skills give you some kind of self steem and social status. A skill not everybody has. Now that machines can do it, the market will go to the superior fast and free and spectacular alternatives (I think they are awesome), so no money to artists anymore. And in your social circles, once AI art is widespread ,people will move from saying to you "wow you are an art genius" to "meeh you took a month to do that sh*t AI does much better in 1 sec"?

I don't oppose AI but I think we'll need to find alternative ways to satisfy the needs of achievement, self improvement and social value. We could have infinite food, housing, entertainment, art. etc. but those are not the only needs we have.


RavenWolf1 t1_irxaupl wrote

>I don't oppose AI but I think we'll need to find alternative ways to satisfy the needs of achievement, self improvement and social value. We could have infinite food, housing, entertainment, art. etc. but those are not the only needs we have.

Virtual worlds and games are solution to that.


Wyrdthane t1_irumqbq wrote

There will have to be changes to the human mind and biology then. Because people who don't have anything to do generally go crazy.