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Saerain t1_iruanux wrote

I think we'll have to hope for the sort of leaks we've seen with Stable Diffusion. Otherwise they're undoubtedly gonna want to run a tactically restricted instance with content fully owned and monitored by them, and then license out to big bidders.


phazei t1_iruev66 wrote

Leaks we've seen with stable diffusion? What are you smoking? It's an open project that uses it's own methods that build on top of other published papers. Stable diffusion will also run easily on a GTX card locally. The open source crowd is continually building upon it.

Now I've no clue if google will release their work, maybe even unlikely, but I have zero doubt that relatively soon an open version of something equivalent, likely using stable diffusion in some fashion, will be developed and released for everyone to use. I would absolutely find it insulting and disingenuous to the community to call it a leak though.


Saerain t1_irul39p wrote

Oh I know that much, my PC is burning it up daily. But I mean for instance the now heavily used stable-diffusion-webui uses code from the NovelAI leak, right? Creating a big reason that so many people have easy access at this moment.

Granted I may be garbling memories here, the last couple months have moved fast.


phazei t1_irusp2f wrote

True, it's like insane how fast new models are coming out and their ease of use like at


Twismyer t1_irvr2nf wrote

It does not I believe, and it was heavily in use before the leak occurred, but NovelAI is using Automatic111's code. As for the referenced leak Automatic111's sd ui was made compatible with NovelAI's leaked model.