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Saerain t1_iru9psd wrote

It continues to arrest me how dreamlike AI imagery is. Much, much closer to the dreaming experience than any other media has ever accomplished.


Mr_Hu-Man t1_irv0otr wrote

I agree, these things look like how dreams feel


petalidas t1_irvzns7 wrote

If we're living in a simulation maybe they're closer than we think lol


Taintfacts t1_irux5jt wrote

The disturbing stuff is so creepy.

Something deeply unsettling, staring literally into the abyss.


Saerain t1_irvyhcz wrote

The warp stirs and the Eye opens, brother.


overlordpotatoe t1_irv2jh2 wrote

The text adventure story ones remind me of dreams, too, in the way they jump around and have an element of randomness but are still semi-coherent.


Murky-Garden-9967 t1_iry9bgu wrote

If you’ve ever taken shrooms or LSD it will be very familiar to you. Both are arising from endless connections between concepts being made and displayed in either computer imagery or closed eye visuals.


SuperSpaceEye t1_iruxijm wrote

The video generator only creates video at 24x48 pixel resolution and 3 fps.


Mr_Hu-Man t1_irv0ny6 wrote

….what’s that got to do with the original comment?


SuperSpaceEye t1_irv0w3d wrote

It's "dreamlike" because it originally generates at such low resolution.


kasiotuo t1_irv6lx4 wrote

The low resolution isn't the only thing tho, it's also the morphing imagery


-ZeroRelevance- t1_irvla8f wrote

That probably comes from the temporal upscaling. As they said, the initial video is only 3fps, so they’re basically synthesising 7 frames for each actual frame given. It’s no wonder it’s going to morph. If it began with a higher temporal resolution (initial fps), then it would likely be much more coherent.


darthdiablo t1_irvot21 wrote

All tech start somewhere. This will improve over time.


Saerain t1_irvzawu wrote

Yeah, that may be an important point here actually. I'm reminded of how the imagery we are able to currently read from a live brain was about 12x12 last I checked, and dreams themselves are essentially upscaled interpretations of low resolution noise already.


ihateshadylandlords t1_irtz1ls wrote

Is there an ETA on when we’ll be able to use Imagen Video?


Saerain t1_iruanux wrote

I think we'll have to hope for the sort of leaks we've seen with Stable Diffusion. Otherwise they're undoubtedly gonna want to run a tactically restricted instance with content fully owned and monitored by them, and then license out to big bidders.


phazei t1_iruev66 wrote

Leaks we've seen with stable diffusion? What are you smoking? It's an open project that uses it's own methods that build on top of other published papers. Stable diffusion will also run easily on a GTX card locally. The open source crowd is continually building upon it.

Now I've no clue if google will release their work, maybe even unlikely, but I have zero doubt that relatively soon an open version of something equivalent, likely using stable diffusion in some fashion, will be developed and released for everyone to use. I would absolutely find it insulting and disingenuous to the community to call it a leak though.


Saerain t1_irul39p wrote

Oh I know that much, my PC is burning it up daily. But I mean for instance the now heavily used stable-diffusion-webui uses code from the NovelAI leak, right? Creating a big reason that so many people have easy access at this moment.

Granted I may be garbling memories here, the last couple months have moved fast.


phazei t1_irusp2f wrote

True, it's like insane how fast new models are coming out and their ease of use like at


Twismyer t1_irvr2nf wrote

It does not I believe, and it was heavily in use before the leak occurred, but NovelAI is using Automatic111's code. As for the referenced leak Automatic111's sd ui was made compatible with NovelAI's leaked model.


TemetN t1_iruc1gb wrote

I feel as if I read that they didn't intend to release it publicly any time soon with the usual 'risks' bit. Minute. Yes, it was from Ars Technica.



Akimbo333 t1_iruzfgi wrote

I hear that Stability.AI is working on a text to video model


LexVex02 t1_irxlqpf wrote

I wish all code was open source. I'm tired of corporations keeping their best from the rest. They are just slowing down progress at this point.


_Alkahestus_ t1_iruybvm wrote

What the fuck. How. This is magic to me.