Submitted by sidianmsjones t3_y1jtyy in singularity

Movies are a great analogy here. CG has gotten so photo realistic in many cases that it is now common accepted knowledge that much of what you see in movies is 'not real'.

There is no knee-jerk belief, or especially default belief that what we see in movies might be real. The default, even for people who know nothing of how movies are made, is that it's mostly fake.

At this time in the world we don't quite have that in news media. Instead, the idea of 'fake news', disinformation, faked video, etc, are still seen as somewhat conspiratorial takes for most topics; even on topics where they were proven disinformation (such as Russia's manipulation of FB groups and such).

In the near future AI generated audio, video, text, and images will become so prevalent and so convincing, that nearly every common person will begin to default to the stance that most things are fake unless proven otherwise (perhaps by counter-AI). Instead of mass gullibility, we'll have mass skepticism...though I suppose that could open its own form of manipulation.



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BaronCapdeville t1_irxyue9 wrote

Sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt is usually the goal for most groups in power you’d normally be afraid of.

If we trust nothing, uniting against oppression will be impossible. Simply abusing perfect AI reproductions will be enough to have the desired effect: further division.

All we can hope for is symmetrical Development of easily obtainable methods to detect AI generated material.


MasterFubar t1_irxzmac wrote

That's a very interesting point. I, for one, would welcome more skepticism in the general public.


onyxengine t1_iry95ll wrote

Which will make it easy for people to write off the truth. We will be driven further into echo chambers that confirm what we want to believe rather than trying to validate our beliefs.


AdditionalPizza t1_iryh8h2 wrote

>At this time in the world we don't quite have that in news media. Instead, the idea of 'fake news', disinformation, faked video, etc, are still seen as somewhat conspiratorial takes for most topics

I made a post about this, asking how prevalent and advanced bots are on social media. It's a matter of time, we're on a time bomb for the extinction of trust. I have no idea what's better, right now the grass is looking greener on the other side of it all, when we stop trusting everything that's shoved in our face. The conflict, arguing, it all sucks so much right now; every little thing explodes into an argument online, and some of the absolute backward steps our species has been taking in parts of the world. But you're right that the other side is going to suck. When the deep fakes start dropping, and the trust bomb goes off, I just don't know.

Let's just hope the internet shifts entirely to entertainment like the movies, and nothing except reputable sources can be trusted. Though that goldilocks scenario is hard to imagine now, what with how stupid the average person seems to be.


BigMemeKing t1_irz8qsn wrote

Exactly. And AI will know us down to our very core based on our online activities, our core belief systems what we WANT to be true is all that's going to matter. They will shove the truth you want into your face and start to "steer" you by putting information into your feed that you would be genuinely afraid of, manipulating the general public in ways most people won't understand. There is a fully AI generated podcast between Joe Rogan and Steve Jobs circulating right now. Do you really think people are going to take the time to verify everything? They're already falling for Government propaganda left and right as it is and the evidence presented to them is shit. Bow when the evidence looks crystal clear, sounds crystal clear and is genuinely pushed to very specific target audiences. It's going to get very dark very fast. Sadly the good honest politicians will have no way to fight against it. Legal loopholes will pop up left and right and partnerships will start to spread between anyone willing to sell their soul for money. A new generation of Hannitys and Alex Joneses will pop up, push their shit to people who want to believe.

Not only that, but neighbor will turn against neighbor. Imagine how easy it would be to fuck with the reputation of other people by just circulating perfected deep fakes of them doing shit. Some girl breaks your heart? Next level revenge porn, dude passes you off? Same shit just make it humiating and gross. Put people in gross and outlandish situation. Everyone is going to be shouting deep fake, and people are going to believe what they want. Sadly people are always being looked at through a camera as long as they're holding their phone. These AI systems gave already shown that they're capable of finding video of the moment a selfie is taken by finding internet connected cameras around the selfie at that time. As time goes on those cameras will only grow in number as everyone opts to connect ring video doorbells, Amazon purchased security cameras. Lots of members in my family even put cameras inside their home. Ai will have a perfect 3d image of you in seconds just by tracing your digital footprint. Tracking you through apps like Google maps, uber, doordash, anything with a location tracker. Finding cameras near you, getting every angle it can find.

Have you given apps access to your image folder and such? A lot of apps ask for it, and a lot of people just consent without thinking. And all it would take is having a company in another country make whatever video you want them to make, pushing whatever agenda you want the video to push and then air it on their networks, turn around and then broadcast that to your country as "evidence" create disorder and before the video even gets a chance to get fact checked the next video is already out and people don't care. It's crazy how short the attention span of the average person is getting. In the span of a few days they cam completely forget and stop caring about news they were militant about because they saw something new and scary on the news.


visarga t1_is0cb6i wrote

> Which will make it easy for people to write off the truth.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place where Truth was written so we can all check things up. But unfortunately that is not possible, so we're left with a continually evolving social truth.


BigMemeKing t1_is0cxpv wrote

The problem with that is, how many people are going to? And how many people will just find the misinformation fed to them to be an excuse to do what they want? We have tools to counter misinformation right fucking now. And you still have riots at the capitol building. Cops killing minorities, now imagine how much worse its going to be when they have "video evidence".


EVJoe t1_is0jcey wrote

I think you're half right -- the rise of AI will lead people to suspect that any piece of media they encounter may be fake.

Where I think you're missing a piece -- pervasive doubt in media does not lead inevitably to people becoming better at independently judging veracity of media.

For an all-too-real example, "Fake news". In the last 10-20 years, we've seen conventional media that has attempted to sew doubt in any source of authority other than itself. Millions of people were trained to doubt everything they hear from any media outlet left of Reagan.

That doubt didn't result in those people developing critical thinking or media analysis skills. They picked their "trusted source" and ignored everything else.

To be clear, I don't think the people to whom this happened are uniquely naive or stupid. Ordinary people with lives and jobs don't have time to learn media analysis just so they can filter 10% real content out of a 90% fabricated newscast. We've seen what happens -- people find the "least bad" media source and uncritically believe everything that outlet says.

Media which requires careful study to verify defeats the point of consuming media.


SWATSgradyBABY t1_is0pses wrote

I'm consistently gobsmacked by the casual authoritarian takes in r/singularity.


PoliteThaiBeep t1_is18tzg wrote

Russians trust nothing, no news sources, not even their own state propaganda. They just assumed everyone is lying. Yet they support fascist dictator and his bidding fully aware his news sources lie every day.

But they are also convinced everyone else also lies every day.

That kind of scepticism?

I think this will only create more problems as it's evident with Russia.