Submitted by crua9 t3_y445sd in singularity

It's obvious one day eye implants will be a thing. Where instead of needing AR/VR headset you have implants or contact lenses which act like this. This letting you basically have 24/7 AR support.

I wonder how the world in general will view us. Like I wonder if cops will target us thinking we are on drugs. Anyone who watches the first amendment auditor stuff, I wonder if the general public and cops will react well when you have something built in your head recording all the time or could be recording at any point. I wonder if laws will be able to keep up and protect us, or will it be well you need to go blind if you go into these buildings where it says you can't use a camera.



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[deleted] t1_isdwqgr wrote



Ilunamie t1_isqhuri wrote

The best solution to this would be to have the legal team of the companies come up with drafts for laws and pass them to the legislature for review before actual market availability is achieved. That way the laws can keep up with the advances


[deleted] t1_isqknf9 wrote



Ilunamie t1_isqkt9a wrote

Drafts and legislation are differences and it's not rare that lawmakers listen to ides from companies on how to make a law fit


Cryptizard t1_isee9mn wrote

I'm not sure there would be a big demand for implants or contacts. Why would you want it when you could get the same thing much less invasively with just glasses? The vast majority of people who qualify for LASIK, for instance, just keep wearing glasses because they don't want to have surgery on their eyes and glasses are completely fine.

You also have a lot more room to put processors, battery, etc. in glasses so could probably have a much better product.


LightEye3 t1_isgdf46 wrote

I don’t need glasses but I will jump at the first opportunity to get eye implants that will let me zoom, record and whatever other benefits come along with it for sure. Been a huge fan of the idea of cybernetic implants and Ghost in the Shell ever since I first saw it so many years ago when it released. Cyborg me up!


Cryptizard t1_isgfuqi wrote

You are probably not thinking it through. Imagine if every time you wanted to upgrade to the newest iPhone you had to have invasive surgery. Now also remember that as we get closer to the singularity newer better technology is going to be coming out faster and faster. Wouldn’t you rather it just be a wearable item that you could swap easily?

There’s also the risk that your implant just stops being supported and then you have no working eyes.


Enough_Appearance457 t1_isegnb0 wrote

They are already working on this.

They have prototypes they are getting approval general sale for by 2024.

Initial build will just improve vision, but it is an upgradeable platform to add enhancements later.


crua9 OP t1_isfge0w wrote

They been approved? Like it takes normally 10 years to get approved to make sure there is no lasting problems.


Idcr1Z1s t1_isfnrv3 wrote

Any laws will only result in back ally implants that can do it all. Blade runner is real by then .Just imagine having all that information ready all the time . That could cause a serious mental overload .


DeveloperGuy75 t1_isewc0c wrote

Remember Google Glass? Everyone was speculating about that too, it didn’t last long, but they are called “glassholes” because of the possible invasion of privacy for everyone else.


Future_Believer t1_isgfcow wrote

You may be a bit too narrowly focused on one specific manner of use for the tech. AR contact lenses would have been great back when I was a Field Service Engineer - as long as I was working in hospitals. But I also had machines on the Y-12 reservation in Oak Ridge, TN. There I would have essentially had to remove the contacts or face a court or three.

Instead of contact lenses I would probably opt for a ultra-broadband data connector that could accept a variety of sensor inputs and allow one to visualize relevant information without additional prosthetics. Such a sensors could be disconnected and the connector blocked if physical security demands it.

There are actually millions of citizens that have access to sensitive classified information. (not to mention proprietary industrial information) So the need to address this situation will come up sooner than later. By the time this tech filters down to the consumer (I'm assuming it will begin as a corporate tool.) there will likely be a fix in place already.


ihateshadylandlords t1_isc45m6 wrote

I think AR implants/contact lenses are at least 20 years away. Whenever they arrive, they’ll probably spam advertisements all day, so I there have to be good reasons for the average Joe to get AR contacts. The recording aspect is interesting, although that could be ripe for abuse i.e. hacking personal videos and/or creep shots.


Artanthos t1_iscuc96 wrote


crua9 OP t1_isdcmyf wrote

Chances are AR contacts will happen in 5 years, where robot eyes in 10 or 20 years. Keep in mind robot eyes will most likely require medical approval, brain implants, and so on.

And chances are by the time we get robot eyes we will have a brain bank implant. Where it stores all our day to day. Everything we see, hear, etc and we can recall it in an instant.


Artanthos t1_isfrqxa wrote

Eyesight without eyes has been around for years.

It does require brain implants, it is low resolution, and it’s not legal to do the surgery in every country.

Actual cybernetic eyes will likely take longer than 20 years, just for the medical approvals.


crua9 OP t1_isfwtle wrote

IDK why someone downvoted you.

Anyways, what we are talking about here is elective surgery. By then it is likely we will have stuff like brain implants that act as memory banks. Where everything you see or hear will be recorded. Like a blackbox in your head.

Like you mention we are really really early in this. As far as my understanding, those who get this surgery today only can see basic shapes. Even ear implants it's early as many run into major problems with them and many finds it helps in no way. Where it can even hurt the person physically. Right now the field is far from user friendly.

But the writing is on the wall


It isn't a matter of if but when.


crua9 OP t1_isc6cmf wrote

>I think AR implants/contact lenses are at least 20 years away.

I think what will happen between then and now is more AR stuff being used in our day to day life. Like instead of buying monitors we will have AR glasses. Mix it up with newer wireless power tech that is coming out, and in theory power won't be a problem.


Like at the rate of things AR glasses could be a 1 stop shop where you get your TV, monitors, and so on.

But with this you can physically take it on and off. So when a shop or whatever doesn't want you to record stuff. You can simply remove them. We seen this with the V1 Google glasses.


>The recording aspect is interesting, although that could be ripe for abuse i.e. hacking personal videos and/or creep shots.

I doubt it will be hacked. Like look at all the security cameras, your phone/tablet/webcam, and so on. The fact is we have far more chances of this now than ever.


Like you will have creep shots. I can see a mod someone might get is where they make their fingers into cameras. This letting them see and take pictures/videos of things they shouldn't.

But if anything, I worry more about how cops freak out when they see you are recording them when they are trying to interact with you. And they get pissed, threaten, and even attack if you even tell them this is the only evidence you can show in court if they try to go nuts and lie (which seems to happen often). That or cops forcing you through some warrant or whatever to give up all your recordings in your head to them.


But I even more worry about if I have eye implants. Since they could be and most likely are constantly recording. Even more if I have horrible memory and I have an implant to help with this. How will that work in places that flat out don't want me to have a camera. Like will I just not be allowed to work a top secret job? Would I be ban automatically from any movie chain? And so on.

Like with our current laws and system. I could see simply having an eye implant means you won't be able to work in most places since they might be worried you might be playing with your AR at work, you are recording things you shouldn't, and so on. Like I can see Walmart keeping you from working there because if you use their bathroom, then problems could happen.