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sadboyleto2 t1_isf1r43 wrote

the free market only exists in liberal academic think tanks and anarco-capitalists 12yo brains, it's an utopia. In the real world, markets are heavily regulated by the state and the countries collecting the bounties today are the ones that enjoyed a huge boost in their base industries (all financed by the state of course).

I can see you're intelligent, your opinion is not wrong in its conclusion but I think your premises are wrong. If you allow me to make a suggestion, i'd tell you to try reading materialistic historical analysis of capital and its relations with the formation and consolidation of society throuhgout time. If anything, more education will absolutely not hurt and if you disagree with everything in this area of study, you'll at least have a great advantage when making your argument.


MasterFubar t1_isf3nx9 wrote

> markets are heavily regulated by the state

Yes, markets aren't totally free, but that's not a shortcoming of the free market. The free market is an abstract model that we should try to pursue as much as possible.
