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Ortus12 t1_isf8eff wrote

Making companies pay for the negative effects they have on the world, in proportion to those effects, is one possible solution.

Examples (some are already common):

  • Carbon Tax
  • Tax on Cigarettes and Alcohol
  • Tax on foods contributing to poor human health outcomes (in proportion to how unhealthy those foods are)
  • Lawsuits against the media for slander
  • Cancle Culture - When it's based on facts instead of snap judgments and narratives, this does a huge amount to curb harmful effects of companies. A good recent example is Paypal after it claimed it would be the arbiter of truth and steal 2,500$ from every one who it disagrees with.

As well as legal punishments and laws for those who do highly damaging activities.

AI and AGI can be used to more effectively do all of this.


Cuissonbake t1_isfa2zm wrote

Yeah but you will also have entire groups of people against all of what you just said which equates to what our current political situation is as in a complete gridlock on the system so it just stays as it currently is.

And also there are people born with neurology that is psychopathy as well so even if we had a better system corruption would still happen I guess it'd be more recognized and addressed however the problem would still persist until we figure out how human brains work. And hope to God that the medical staff in charge of understanding our brains isn't corrupted when that happens.


Ortus12 t1_isfzfa3 wrote

The grid lock is because people have different beliefs and values.

Many people honestly value glazed donates and chips far more than the downsides of getting a heart attack at forty. They really do want to live a short life full of fast food and other treats and don't want taxes on those foods reducing their purchasing power.

We need to accept that other people have different values and we as an individual can't expect the whole world to bend to us.

As far as beliefs, people have many different beliefs, which is a problem since some of many of those beliefs are influenced by propaganda.

Right now, when people see an article/video/post after work about something, they often do not have the energy to read the research paper or other data sources referenced by that article, as well as think and reflect on the methodologies and interpretation of that data. So they believe the click bait.

When we have full automation people will have more time research, think, reflect, have conversations and debates, and even conduct their own experiments.

I don't think society would allow the government to force a procedure or pill on every one that changed their brains in an way. The psychopaths would get together and prevent those laws from occurring, find ways to make themselves the exceptions, or find ways to make it appear they got the treatment when they didn't.