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sgjo1 t1_isfguu4 wrote

The whole discussion is based on a flawed foundation. It starts with an assumption that a certain trope is true without scientific evidence it is true. Anecdotally, I have personally met people in the tens of millions or hundreds of millions and not billions, indeed some of those ultra wealthy people are less sociopathic than certain regular people I know.

The only reason billionaires like Bezos exist, they made billions of lives easier (low cost shopping convenient delivery). Sure, one can argue their treatment of workers could be better, but at the end of the day Bezos had to solve problems to get rich.

Lastly, the billionaires you are talking about “force medicating” are the same billionaires who brought us closer to the singularity in the first place (founders of Google and Microsoft, for example). The singularity should bring low cost resources for all, it will be hard for the rich to hide or hold on to the tech because there’s a profit motive on bringing low cost resources to all.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfq9ok wrote

>the billionaires you are talking about “force medicating”

I'll start there, just because that's not at all what I said haha. They would possibly take a cure-all for longevity and healthy aging reasons. Not capture billionaires and shove a pill down their throat. I imagine it as a daily mix of medications and vitamins to make people healthier and prevent diseases. And people would regularly go and get diagnostics done to keep in top health.

>Sure, one can argue their treatment of workers could be better, but at the end of the day Bezos had to solve problems to get rich.

Sociopathic reasoning. "Eh so what if a ton of people suffer so I can have everything."

And I am fully aware capitalism is what we have and it's currently the best solution or at least appears to be. I'm talking about the future when this system just simply won't work, at least at some point it won't if we prescribe to the idea of a technological singularity.


ArgentStonecutter t1_isfui7s wrote

> I imagine it as a daily mix of medications and vitamins to make people healthier and prevent diseases. And people would regularly go and get diagnostics done to keep in top health.

And who do you think is running the companies that make this stuff?


AdditionalPizza OP t1_isfw4w7 wrote

Right now, those billionaires. People assuming I suggest drugging them to be more empathetic. I'm suggesting a possible optimistic scenario to those that have doubts billionaires and world leaders won't suppress us further with technology.