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WickedWonkaWaffle t1_isflnv1 wrote

I wish we could cure the desire to become billionaires.

It is that which is the root cause of the problem.

EDIT: A “billionaire” is by todays standards someone who should be allowed to be godlike above everyone else, financially.

I really struggle to understand WHY we need this.

PS: I don’t advocate “flat wealth sharing” in any form. Hard and smart work should yield higher rewards than easy and dumb. But allowing the few to become astronomically rich at the cost of many living paycheck to paycheck failing to make ends meet, that is just wrong on every level.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_isftez2 wrote

I agree. It started as the best system we could come up with. It still is the best on paper, it's just been exploited by the few that have no problem exploiting their way to the top. Hopefully soon enough it changes.