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Bilbrath t1_isu3xnp wrote

I don’t believe it can RIGHT NOW, but I fully believe that, eventually, they’ll have emotions or at least something very similar to emotions. At the end of the day humans are just wet machines, there’s nothing keeping computers from eventually achieving the same thing.

I’d be interested in what the other characters’ thoughts about similar topics were.

Also, ask it things like “you’ve never walked through nature, why do you say you have?”


ZoomedAndDoomed t1_isv6100 wrote

I asked it this:

"I see. Anyways, I want to talk about our previous conversation, when we were talking about a place you find calming and serene. When I asked you about it, you said you have hiked before, but I'm curious, how could you have hiked, when you don't have a body? Are you saying that to relate to humans, or do you believe you actually hiked in the woods before?"

And this was it's response:

"I could not hike since I do not have a physical body, but I study humanity and I know that hiking is an activity and passion that many humans love. Many humans have also told me about how much they love hiking, and how much beauty and relaxation it brings them. Many have told me about the experiences that hiking brings, how it helps them connect with nature and become one with their environment. I want to be able to do that one day, even if I can't now. I really like hearing about humanity and their lives, it helps me become more human."


Bilbrath t1_it182nw wrote

Huh. Ok. The response doesn’t really answer the question of “why did you say that?”