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Desperate_Donut8582 t1_isq8zp6 wrote

I mean a lot of jobs are safe like boxing or mma or soccer players or YouTubers that do dumb stuff you can’t be telling me someone will watch a robot that does dumb public pranks unless we make a robot which does so which will be the dumbest thing we do and probably deserve extinction


GenoHuman t1_isrqngm wrote

think outside the box, why would AI do any of those things? It can simply generate them like it does with images or text2video, you can have actors in new movies or boxing against each other even though it has never happened in real life, it's all information at the end of the day and none will be the wiser.


Desperate_Donut8582 t1_issafqf wrote

I think your imagining worst case scenario which is fine but there is a reason social media is called “social” humans want to communicate with each other it isn’t just about entertainment…for example everyone thought live theater was gonna die out when tv came about yet it’s stronger than ever….everyone thought big screen theater was gonna die out when personal tvs and streaming services were a thing yet it still exists….. I feel like your just imagining worst case scenario where AI generated any image and people would rather sit in their houses and watch animated person boxing another animated person instead of actual interacting with other humans


TheSingulatarian t1_ist0kwc wrote

Movie theaters seem to finally be on the way out or at least in the showing of more small intimate films. Every film has to be a roller coaster ride to get people to theaters. Smaller romances or comedies or dramas all going to the streaming services. Live theater is a very niche business mostly for elites and the upper middle class.


Desperate_Donut8582 t1_ist4lwv wrote

First of all did you just say movie theaters are on their way out? A huge portion of movies are released to theaters and people still go to theaters to socialize and stuff like that despite tv being widely used

And live theaters are definitely not something only elite people enjoyed there are like 2000 theaters in America compared to like 40 decades ago

Your obviously just predicting people will choose to be losers staying home glued to a screen and not socializing


TheSingulatarian t1_ist5kxz wrote

There were more than 40 theaters decades ago and box office is down. Check your facts.


Desperate_Donut8582 t1_ist5x79 wrote

I’m talking about live theaters in 1950s and before when tvs were still a new thing life theaters thrived but we’re small in number yet there are more than a thousands today….with your logic they should’ve closed down because tvs are a thing but guess what? They didn’t. That’s why you can’t just predict the future that easily


TheSingulatarian t1_ist7c2g wrote

Every city had a least one theater, NY alone has had more than 40 theaters for forever. Going to the theater is an expensive proposition for many. Even movie theaters are becoming too expensive for many.


Bierculles t1_iss5ofu wrote

honestly, i would absolutely watch a robot dunking on randos in the street.


Desperate_Donut8582 t1_issa2q8 wrote

Pretty sure even boxers can’t fight real people because there hands are legally considered deadly weapons


Bierculles t1_isscb73 wrote

Maybe he just walks around and disses people.