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Artanthos t1_isq91qb wrote

The timeframe is a bit longer than 5 years and will render equatorial regions inhospitable first.

If this happens, yes, billions will die. And billions more will survive, mostly in wealthy countries that are better able to adapt.

It would also mean that the surviving countries, facing an existential threat, will become a more brutal than they are today.

Drought is already a solvable issue. Israel has already demonstrated this. Nearly their entire water supply, including agricultural, comes from desalination.

Vertical farming allows for food growth independent of climate. It’s just not cost efficient. That can change real quick if crops start failing.

If automation does leave most people unemployed, those unemployed will be in a very bad position when food prices skyrocket and those at the top are forced to make existential choices.

But humanity will survive and the survivors will write history to reflect that they made the necessary choices while vilifying the people today for putting the world into a state of crisis.