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NoRip7374 t1_isqb1a1 wrote

Exactly. I'm programer also. Being in the industry for 15 years and this advancement are scaring me. I was making same points you are making to people here on Reddit and in office. Barely nobody is concerned. It's freaky.

Look at cscarrierquestions somebody made argument about being concerned about the future with GitHub copilot being out and everybody was basically saying copilot is gimmick and coding is much harder.

But reality is that copilot is amazing and coding is not so hard.

It look like, programmers are used to be unreplaceable and expensive, not saying praised how smart they are. And now they cannot comprehend they are going to be replaced IN 5 YRARS if current progress continues.

Or majority of humans are programmed to downplay AI progress, so we serve as ideal AGI bootloader. Don't know what we are in this sub then. 😀


Clean_Livlng t1_iss3gy6 wrote

>And now they cannot comprehend they are going to be replaced IN 5 YEARS if current progress continues

Do you think you'd be able to take over the work of a good number of your colleagues with the help of AI in 5 years? That's all it takes for massive unemployment to happen. AI doesn't need to be able to do a job to replace jobs, just help a few people do the jobs of many.


Thelmara t1_ist9knm wrote

> And now they cannot comprehend they are going to be replaced IN 5 YRARS if current progress continues.

Heard that before. Still have a job.


NoRip7374 t1_isu7g2d wrote

There were neural networks hype in 70s, 80, until middle of 90s. They failed. Then we had 4GL languages which basically didn't deliver new value, stupid things like UML, SOA, BPEL, entity modeling, ... which basically just shifted complexity to higher layers and just create another layer of complexity in software systems.

Now we have no-code platforms which seems quite limited.

Codex is game changer. You can feel it when you use it.


Thelmara t1_isu7qsu wrote

> _____ is game changer.

Oooh, never heard that one before!