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dnimeerf t1_issnnbm wrote

Before you downvote, it may be valuable for you to understand just how crazy things are about to get and who is actually in charge.


PandaCommando69 t1_istbdkm wrote

Friend, you apparently you do not realize that you are in a subreddit full of people who are specifically interested in the development of brain computer interface devices and peripherals. We are well aware of what's coming. BTW, there are much more reputable/accurate sources that you should check out if you're interested in knowing how the technology (might, it's not available yet) work. Also, You personally (and anyone else) can elect to forgo any available BCIs and keep carrying around an external phone/device (depending on how things shake out that may in fact be the best course of action, we'll see). I'll recommend starting by picking up a copy of Ray Kurtzwiel's book The Singularity is Near, to get you started with a good overview of all this stuff.


dnimeerf t1_iste03q wrote

I am well aware of Mr. Kurzweil and the transhumanist movement. Perhaps you haven't read my white paper on the emergence?


PandaCommando69 t1_istqh6f wrote

If you're well aware, and you're aware that we're aware, why are you writing comments here? Why waste everyone's time/don't you have anything better to do than troll this sub?