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happy_guy_2015 t1_it1kn4s wrote

The number of industrial robots installed grew 30% last year, with half a million units installed. At that rate of growth, it will take about 30-40 years before industrial robots outnumber humans. That's a long time, but not that long... many Redditors reading this will not yet be at retirement age by then. And it's certainly possible that the growth rate may increase faster than 30% annually as technology improves.


Anenome5 t1_it5dzoh wrote

Industrial robots are special purpose, they aren't total replacements for what humans are good at. And they're significantly expensive and a general human-replacement robot would be an order of magnitude or two more expensive.


happy_guy_2015 t1_it6j770 wrote

Capabilities are going up dramatically, and costs will go down as volume increases and technology improves.