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KeaboUltra t1_it31iux wrote

For those who don't have aphantasia, imagine being able to pop on a helmet or link up to a device that allows you to alter your perception and create literally anything you can imagine. I would thrive in that world


BigMemeKing t1_it31s1v wrote

Anyone would thrive in a world like that.


KeaboUltra t1_it31z0v wrote

Anyone would but my point was the aphantasia thing.


BigMemeKing t1_it32bc1 wrote

Even with aphantasia, just infinite wealth would allow them to thrive. They wouldn't need imagination or creativity. Just wealth. Unless they somehow created their own adversaries or somehow created a way for themselves to lose. But that would be hard with aphantasia. They could just live a rich carefree life and still thrive.


KeaboUltra t1_it3594w wrote

>They wouldn't need imagination or creativity

Clearly people don't need that to thrive, you're generalizing it.. That's outside of the scope of the machine I described that brings your imagination to life. Something that does not work with aphantaisa if they cannot do things as simple as visually imagining a perfect red-yellow gradient colored apple with a green leaf on it, sitting on a clean granite countertop.

What I'm trying to describe here is a device that conjures images in your head rather that words and mental wishes. They could easily look at money and probably conjure it or use someone else's premade template but It would suck to not be able to craft a product of your imagination into reality the same way people make art, hence why I say I and others who can even remotely conjure some random image in their head on a piece of paper would thrive because they could literally make their own world rather than adjusting the one they currently live in. Theses are two kinds of thriving. I wouldn't care about wealth or chilling at a beach or resort or doing things that are possible with money in an imaginary world.


BigMemeKing t1_it35jxq wrote

Why would you need to do that tho? Have you not been payning attention to what AI is capable of? It creates music from generic text. Movies, art, and you just need to type a sentence. You're overcomplicating things.


KeaboUltra t1_it38h5z wrote

>Why would you need to do that tho? Have you not been payning attention to what AI is capable of? It creates music from generic text.

That's the whole damn point dude. No one needs to but I would want to. That's why >>>I<<< would thrive. What's so hard to understand about this? Why would I want to live off of pre-generated text when I can come up with my own shit?

And where do you think the sentence come from to create the art? Imagination, right? People put words and context for the AI to create it yeah? what about things that don't exist? What if I told this AI bot to create a binary solar system, with 6 planets and on one specific planet it rained prismatic shards that cast rainbows everywhere and there were a race of sentient beings known as Cortexians with the who had 7 heads, no eyes, but little hairs that allowed them to "see", ate the rainbows when it rained and lived in reverse. Can you put that in an AI bot? Probably, but it's not going to have any depth. Could any random given person get granular and create something of their own? Probably not. It still takes creativity to feed information into AI. Most people can't write a creative story to save their lives, you act like this stuff just happens in thin air. What are people gonna type into the AI if they don't know where to start?

More importantly Why do you even care this much to argue about some completely imaginary device that doesn't exist? I'm only "over complicating" things because as I clearly stated previously, people thrive on different things.


BigMemeKing t1_it3cbk4 wrote

I mean, you're doing the brunt end of the arguing my dude. All I did was say anyone would thrive regardless of aphantasia or not. And you're arguing as to why your way is superior. But if you want a full in depth argument here. By the time fill dive is a thing I absolutely believe that the AI driven system behind the tech would be so advanced it would absolutely have a full spectrum code generator for every aspect of a typed creation. So you want to create cortexians, sure, ai will also take into consideration every aspect of this being including what does it taste like if you oick its skin, if you cut it up and cook it, eat it raw, cook it bad, season it wrong, if it's rotting molded and decaying, what language would it speak, what growing up in its environment would be like to survive being rained on by prismatic shards, what kind of civilization would it have etc etc etc. So while you're on the character creation screen trying to imagine these things the guys with aphantasia would be playing the game and just speaking what they want into existence, and you are taking your time to create a work of art.

But wait, there's more. So if you're in a full dive vr system you would have to sign off on the terms and conditions to the game/platform/os you're using. Odd are they're going to have a clause that states that all items created and generated within the game are now property of said game to use at their discretion, so if your model is as amazing as you claim it to be, by the time you're done painstakingly crafting the Michelangelo's statue of David version of whatever 3d simulated creation you're on. The system would already have your piece or pieces available as cloned copies for the people with aphantasia to just use or select from a pregenerated marketplace. so by the time you finish your labor of creating and mentally sculpting your work of art, copies of it generated through AI predictive algorithms to the actual final finished product you create.

I wasn't even trying to argue, I was merely pointing out as my initial statement posts. Anyone would thrive in a God Sim full dive with or without aphantasia. Thriving is irrelevant, anyone would thrive in the scenario you posted. The idea itself is an old one. Imagine being able to create X, Y and Z just by thinking about it. I just think that by then, AI would be so advanced and capable of integrating itself with the human mind that anyone regardless of hoe powerful their imagination may be would be able to have an integrated AI that would just counter whatever anyone else creates. And at that point you're just walking around in a land where you can't create anything with your mind. Welcome to the simulation.


KeaboUltra t1_it3f3rg wrote

>All I did was say anyone would thrive regardless of aphantasia or not.

I've sufficiently explained the entire point in my topic in my second reply to you and we circled back to the main point. This isn't about being better or superior, it's a difference between levels of creativity. You simply didn't understand what I meant with aphantasia and I'm not gonna bother reading anything beyond that. You're overblowing it at this point. Later.