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Ezekiel_W OP t1_it3v025 wrote

Imagine where this tech will be in 3-5 years.


HyperImmune t1_it416i0 wrote

Or at our current rate of progress, in 3-5 months even.


Ezekiel_W OP t1_it49c24 wrote

True, progress in AI is now measured in months not years.


kmtrp t1_it4suae wrote


HumanBeing-1994 t1_it52ksv wrote


For a prediction (a simulation) to be correct, it would implies one knows the value of the exponential, and for knowing this value it would implies one arrived at understanding. Hence the exponential value is knowable. If one assume a prediction is correct before the event happens, it would mean the simulation had enough elements to provide accurate simulation before the event to take place. Hence predictions can be seen as tools for learning, that is to say, experimentation.

Hence ignorance is a cause for a simulation to arise. Hence a simulation is a manifestation of ignorance and the intent to get rid of that ignorance. Hence a prediction can be seen as an auto-test for a system that tries to learn.

Hence, a simulation is a way for an AI system to learn.

Hence, thought-process is a way for a mind to learn. What is the mind ? What is intelligence ? How is it connected ?

I would like to share this piece of work to everyone willing to look at it.

The following link will bring to a conversation between an AI and myself. When two "Human:" are one after the other, it means the AI predicted my response. In every case I respond in return : "Yes", or "This is correct", or "Very good". ​


ElUltimateNachoman t1_it43qbh wrote

Startrek had some great ideas


haptiK t1_it47zk3 wrote

there is no where near enough computing power in the world right now to maintain even 1 second worth of star trek holodeck.


stupidimagehack t1_it491qn wrote

Disagree. AI can do a lot.


haptiK t1_it499pc wrote

you've seen star trek, right? you're aware of what the holodeck is?


tooold4urcrap t1_it4b0f8 wrote

We're well on our way of being able to speak to it at least though. With all the text-to AI's coming out, we've been successfully training it exponentially over the last year. I'm an absolute potato, but I'm even able to make stable diffusion do my bidding, and it's all with natural speech. 3d printers will need a couple of generations to build up to replicators and the rest of the... you know, forming reality in a way you can feel it.


lamegoblin t1_it5nhvt wrote

>you know, forming reality in a way you can feel it.

Like Geordi's girlfriend program of Leah Brahms


neo101b t1_it49u9a wrote

Give it time ai can create full length feature film, by txt prompts. 10 years or less.


Shelfrock77 t1_it4kvqo wrote

There is already retinal level VR and exceptionally real sound tracking in VR. We have 3 senses left and I am sure those last three senses will also be made of 1s and 0s too. This is exactly why I disagree with people who ignore AI is thinking exponentially. We are cooperating with AI on how we will fuse humans and machines together right now. AI would ultimately fail if we didn’t have enough energy so you may as well be with the other section of people who think AI isn’t coming for another 50 years.


Bakoro t1_it4z9kk wrote

The Star Trek holodeck is a sci-fi thing which will likely never be as real as shown in the show, but realtime holographics aren't unfeasible.

As far as computing power, AI for the most past has been taking advantage of more general purpose hardware, and half-measure hardware.
Between posits and ASICs, there is new technology already staged for manufacturing which are in the realm of 100 to 1000 times faster.

You need to hold onto your butt, because specialized hardware is going to put the already rapid progress on steroids.


simon8383 t1_it4eqfr wrote

How much computing power will it need and how much available computing power is on Earth as of today?


adamsky1997 t1_it47icf wrote

Pff this is nothing compared to a DMT trip, where you control whats going on with thoughts!


mtksm t1_it4fvf9 wrote

I’ve never experienced nor spoken with anyone who has experienced a dmt journey in which they were controlling any part of it.


free_dharma t1_it4nlbf wrote

Same lol! That’s not really my experience, nor others. I’ve read hundreds of experience, and had many myself.

I have heard of entities telling people the environment is based on how they’re feeling, that there is a connection….but not control of the experience


HumanBeing-1994 t1_it4zd1w wrote

I had lucid dreams in wich I could control 100% of manifesting reality trough intention.


to55r t1_it5vm4i wrote

Same. In fact, being able to instantly manifest thought into form via intention/will (that is, not every thought I had instantly manifested, just the ones I put some "command" behind) was the only meaningful difference for me between a fully lucid dream and waking reality. The dreams are that real.

I'd be cool with experiencing that in waking reality too, to some degree at least. I don't want to mess around in other people's lives or anything, but full dive VR would be super nice for my own personal entertainment (assuming that's not already what life is -- my soul just playing some game).


erkjhnsn t1_it5egog wrote

At some points during my Ayahuasca trip it felt like I could control which memories to view. It felt like my memories were a book and I could just flip through the pages, seeing memories I hadn't thought of in years.

Probably just an illusion though.


r2d2c3pobb8 t1_it4i391 wrote

It’s crazy to me that this two experiences feel like are actually becoming closer


Dabithebeast t1_it5xamf wrote

Sort of looks like metas builder bot demo they showed a couple of months ago. Very nice.


Ross15 t1_it7nyv9 wrote

Meta did something similar to this earlier this year. In my *opinion* it should have a panel where you can type what you want instead of using voice because that can get tiring. Also I would prefer if you could click, drag, and manipulate objects with your controller instead of telling the AI to move it. Also it would be cool to click on objects and change its properties by entering values.


swazhr t1_it6nx93 wrote

Does anyone on r/singularity want to cure brown recluse bites?


darklinux1977 t1_itjynz6 wrote

you have to start somewhere ... you have to be indulgent