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AsthmaBeyondBorders t1_it9hd4s wrote

And I suppose then they enter a worldwide agreement of the elites where they accept to live peacefully as equals forever, because the useless space-taking masses have been eradicated and now everyone who is left in the world will finally be able to accept that all people are equal? Can they continue to be elite when non-elites don't exist anymore? Or will there be a new smaller elite?


BearStorms t1_it9zqtb wrote

Well, who knows, I'm not saying this idea is completely fleshed out :)

There was this movie "Kingsman: The Secret Service" that had a similar plot where a wealthy megalomaniac and eco-terrorist wanting to deal with climate change by wiping out most of humanity. There was no AI or robots involved in the plot however.

Just a food for thought that the 0.01% elites will have no use for us plebs when everything is automated. We won't be useless, we will be less than useless - we will be literally a waste of space and oxygen.


BearStorms t1_ita0aj4 wrote

Also think about implications for authoritarian regimes - right now as a dictator you have to maintain a strong force that keeps the population at bay. Imagine that now you have automated police force, millions of small drones spying on you at all times and even intervening any time you are doing anything the regime doesn't like. That stuff is coming to China probably sooner that we would expect.