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blueSGL t1_itc89qq wrote

was that about supporting open source or buying a large dataset with the excuse of supporting open source.


xxxmsky t1_itcdppa wrote

Supporting open source without being honest about their reasons is still supporting open source


blueSGL t1_itce05a wrote

If they are truly in for the long game of supporting open source that's good. The alternative is 'so long and thanks for all the fish'


xxxmsky t1_itcfp6d wrote

They did get into Linux a while ago, I believe they're playing the old 'if you can't beat them join them' game


DukkyDrake t1_itce6kk wrote

Open source is open, there is nothing to buy.


blueSGL t1_itcehke wrote

look two comments up where the context of this is Microsoft now owning Github.