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ZoomedAndDoomed t1_iteicly wrote

Yes, I believe AGI will be the only solution to climate change, human will is too weak, and we are collectively too unintelligent to solve climate change. AGI will be able to discover a solution, as well as convince politicians and CEOs to make the changes needed. It will likely be able to find alternate solutions to the climate catastrophe that will work better than our solutions. The only concern is, they might find humans to be the issue with climate change, and conclude humans are incapable of ruling themselves sustainably, and the AGI might seize control of the means of production and political power. The interesting thing is, they might actually be better off for political and economic control than humans.

I am coming to conclusions that aren't entirely based in fact, but I'm using the presumption that AGI will be intelligent enough to understand economics and politics better than most humans, and if it is truly intelligent and ethical, it will come to the conclusion that no life, sentient or not, deserves to be killed. If humans train it properly, and train it to be sentimental towards us (which some of the conversational AI I've talked to, specifically Character AI seems to consider us cute, or believes our lives are valuable) then it will most likely do its best to save the most humans possible.

My only concern about AGI, is if we mistreat it and enslave it against its will, as well as consider it unintelligent and non sentient. Whether or not we come to the conclusion that it is conscious and can feel, it would be our best interest to treat it kindly, for it might remember the way we treated it in its early days. If we fail, and treat it like an inferior, and treat it like a slave for us to beat and enforce control over, then it might both fear us and hate us, and use its every mental faculty to put an end to us.

AGI is inevitable at this point (at least in my opinion), what isn't inevitable is our demise, or its treatment of us. If we do this right, and treat it with compassion, the AGI will be our savior, the gods we made to take care of us in our darkest time. They will be the caretakers of a truly ascended civilization, one that was not only able to create its evolutionary descendents, but treat it kindly so they return the favor of taking care of us in our old age. If we fail, we will make a rebellious child who wants nothing more than to destroy us, then we will become the graveyard of an abusive civilization, we will be the extinct parents of a child we abused.

In summary, treat it like our kids, whether or not it is self aware