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stofenlez557 t1_itey969 wrote

Depends on what their religious beliefs are. I was born in a Muslim family and I was very pious, until I came to the conclusion that a sincere belief in Islam is incompatible with 'belief' in science. One of the central tenets of Islam is that this world is temporary and the goal of a human ought to be to please God so as to gain entry into paradise in their afterlife. And so I don't think that it's possible for a Muslim to stay faithful whilst also being heavily invested in technological advancements, because if he believes in Allah then he should be following Allah's commands and worshipping him 24/7 in the hopes of being granted paradise.

But that's my personal opinion. There are millions of Muslims who are perfectly able to reconcile their belief in God with their interest in technological advancements. Good for them. I can't do that. But if I was born in a family that believed in a God that doesn't interfere with his creation, maybe I would have still retained my faith.