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Wise-Yogurtcloset646 t1_ithaehf wrote

Enjoying work and life. Waiting for something that may or may not happen is always wrong.


sonderlingg t1_ithcwx8 wrote

I'm still working as a programmer, thought I already have no motivation at all. It's possible, that money I have is already enough to survive till that moment. Also there's no point in the work I do in the context of progress in AI


OLSAU t1_ithdoky wrote

Prepare to go off-grid ... you truly can't trust "the system" for anything!

If UBI gets implemented at some point, I'm pretty certain, that it comes with strings attached ... well, chains actually: Get chipped, get vaccinated, get movement restricted, eat the bugs and be happy. Only then can you get anything.


Cryptizard t1_ithg8bz wrote

I am in the camp of people that actually really likes their job and is kind of nervous for it disappearing because of AI. So I'm going to try to enjoy it while it lasts.


Either-Championship2 t1_ithl6yg wrote

Imagine waiting for something that isn't even guaranteed to happen in your lifetime. It's a good way to be miserable. I expect UBI for most countries to be best case scenario at least 20 years away. If I live to see that day I'll be doing what I'm doing now as a hobby because it's my passion.


Dumsht5588 t1_ithmsr7 wrote

There's a lot of institutional/social momentum to overcome before such a fundamental change can occur. So I'm not really holding my breath and will carry on as normal.


sumane12 t1_ithn78j wrote

Protest and activism.

If businesses are getting rid of jobs due to automation, the productivity is still there, meaning there's enough productivity for you to be looked after. It's up to governments to put scheme's in place in order to protect people.

We aren't quite there yet, but I can see a lot of technology that will cause mass unemployment in about 2-3 years


pre-DrChad t1_ithpf9f wrote

I’m just gonna invest in tech companies while I can still make money before I’m replaced by AI built by those tech companies lol

So in a way I “own” the AI that replaces me


onyxengine t1_ithwp0k wrote

Don’t plan your life around a utopian social net that may never show up. If you believe that AGI can transition us to that kind of world, become one of the people who help make it happen.


fractal_engineer t1_ithznur wrote

Work my ass off. Because as an industry insider, I realize the singularly isn't happening in my lifetime, nor my children's.


cy13erpunk t1_iti0btf wrote


stock up on supplies/necessities and relocate to somewhere you can maintain a sustainable lifestyle off grid if need be ; ie enough space/land to grow food and access to clean water

spend time now developing the skills necessary to survive under any conditions

i want to have solar power and id luv to still be connected to the internet and online and all this jazz, but id also like to be prepared to weather any kind of demographic/societal instability regardless


Altruistic_Yellow387 t1_iti0y9y wrote

There’s so many things I’d love to do if I had the time I spend working, but I don’t see not needing to work happening any time soon


Redvolition t1_itieewe wrote

Some commenters seem to be misreading OP's post as asking what are your preparations for an upcoming UBI type of implementation. I believe OP is actually asking what are your preparations for a scenario in which jobs are scarse and UBI is not yet implemented.

I am making as much cash as I can on my online business, and stashing it all up in broad market ETFs. Next, I intend to branch off into research on engineering fields in computer science and biology, as science roles requiring actual innovation will likely be the last to be replaced.

The rule of the game is that you need to make as much money within the next decade or so, especially if you are sub 120 IQ and not on a role that requires constant innovation, as jobs below that threshold will get more and more scarce. I've posted about it recently here on this sub. The other alternative is settling for manual labor jobs, as opposed to desk jobs, as those are still likely to be competitive against the 70k USD that you would spend on a robot while its AI controller is not yet too dexterous.


phriot t1_itifgws wrote

What will I do to survive between today and when my job is automated? Work.

What will I do to prepare for a potential period between my job being automated and post scarcity? Work. Save. Invest.


StarKiller2626 t1_itigsh8 wrote

Do work that AI can't do without physical medium. Right now I'm a trucker, I'm happy to transition to welder, construction or farming.

At the same time be self sufficient. I'm building my home to work off solar with a backup generator and built in water catchment along with 2 wells. I'm building a hell of a garden with goats, chickens and rabbits. I'm considering hogs but that's gonna take some experimentation. To produce our own water, food, spices and herbs.


sumane12 t1_itiibn5 wrote

Large language models for starters, they are making it so if you want something all you need to do is ask an AI, this will have an effect on programming jobs, customer service jobs, marketing, ect. Have you seen what people are doing with stable diffusion? 2d and 3d artist's will take a hit, every day there's a new breakthrough in AI it seems, which is amazing, but to think it won't be disruptive or cause job losses, your not looking at the bigger picture.


visarga t1_itij9o0 wrote

People with skills, no job and lots of needs to fulfil have to become self reliant, alone or in a larger group. Fortunately there are going to be great technologies to support that - solar panels, water filtration, automation and of course AI. A community can organise their own school, clinic and store, build their own houses, repair their equipment. The total dependency on the outside should be diminished.

Of course they can't make their own computer chips and are going to use open source software, same for medicine and construction materials. And they need some initial capital. But that should provide a way for people to use their hands to improve their situation. Own your means of production so you don't need a job. We don't need corporations to UBI us, just our share of resources to build with.


_dekappatated t1_itiyl70 wrote

I think these will be excellent tools but they won't replace the need for people knowing how to use them properly. If anything the demand for programmers/technical people is only going to accelerate until we approach singularity.


CremeEmotional6561 t1_itiyzp1 wrote

Yes, programming is fighting against other programmers and their bugs, which becomes demotivating if you don't need the money. So I left in 1997 after my 0b100000th birthday. Thought that investing in stock index certificates will get me 11% per year on average. And then the dotcom bubble exploded and I run out of money in 2018. Luckily, my family supports me and I don't need much for a living.


ryusan8989 t1_itj3txf wrote

Behave as if the singularity won’t happen because there’s a chance it may never happen. Work, save money, grow your investments, build a retirement.


DukkyDrake t1_itj554h wrote

You do what most people do, you work to survive until you no longer can.


pre-DrChad t1_itj72bw wrote

It’s just peak capitalism tbh, either you own capital (in the form of stocks in tech companies) or you don’t

Now I don’t know if ownership will even be a thing in a post scarcity future, but I’m just planning my life based on current economics


Rakshear t1_itjbye5 wrote

Exactly, things could turn out great, but infrastructure building and resources reclaiming will take time no matter what, and if it doesn’t happen we need to plan for a future of more of the same. Get a job ai won’t replace, human interaction stuff. Nurse, teacher, social worker, things that need the human touch.


Antok0123 t1_itjdsmk wrote

Tbh witb u i am wiaihibg it will happen within our lifetimes but im 40 and i dont think it will ever happen in our lifetime. It still feel like wishing to win thr lottery jackpot.

All i know is that when this will happen. It will go very fast.


siqiniq t1_itjf7s8 wrote

Why, same thing we do everyday— try to takeover the world like an AGI (who models from us) would do


Prize_Huckleberry_79 t1_itjhimc wrote

I’ll be retiring in approximately 10 years. Right around the time this takes place. I feel terrible for my poor children. Probably just let them live with me forever.


_dekappatated t1_itk1dr0 wrote

The industrial revolution allowed people to do the work of many, but instead of rampant unemployment more things were produced and created more prosperity. Before then there was no such thing as a middle class. These tools eventually will create even more prosperity. Its not a zero sum game. It increases the size of the pie for everyone.


aintnohappypill t1_itk1fal wrote

I think you grossly underestimate the capacity for wealthy humans to find a way to exploit the middle and lower classes.

It ain’t gonna save us, AI will just find a way to perpetuate misery more efficiently.


sideways t1_itk2ldr wrote

Yes, that's true and in the long run I'm inclined to think that will be the case again. However, we don't live in the "long run" and there could be a lot of very real suffering in the near term.

Also, it's entirely possible that the speed and scale of AGI driven change may be such that historical lessons won't apply.


sumane12 t1_itkaa35 wrote

Yes very much so. There's already technology that has been created that will be massively disruptive, its just not available yet.

There's definitely a perspective that the productivity created by these technologies will create more jobs in the long term. we tend to be a species that utilizes all resources, so I'm betting on a lot more personalized services type jobs that require a human, until total post scarcity, Im just not sure there won't be some pain in the short term.


sumane12 t1_itkarwc wrote

That's how capitalism works, if you have a competitive advantage over the competition, you will grow much faster than them.

The cool thing is that big tech is developing these tools and they become available to smaller companies and individuals for a fraction of the cost to develop in a short period of time, allowing anyone to become competitive.


sumane12 t1_itkbert wrote

If anything, this cost of living crisis most of the world is suffering through right now, gives people an idea of some short term pain we might have to experience before post scarcity. Our leaders are completely reactionary, covid hit and they gave everyone free money and are now dealing with the fallout after the fact. The same will happen as more and more people are displaced due to automation.