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Cryptizard t1_itsdh4c wrote

That is my entire point. Even if it comes down to money, the majority of small businesses are not buying robots to replace people in the near term. It’s going to be 20 years at least.


blueSGL t1_itsf4uj wrote

>the majority of small businesses are not buying robots to replace people in the near term.

What about small businesses that can do the work remotely? the percentage of the entire workforce who don't need to physically be present in a specific location to carry out their jobs (quick google, ranges from 1/4 to 4/10 )

and large business is already looking at automation. With control models like this six axis arm making it simple to program and to reprogram for a different task, it only needs to be slightly better than human on a cost/benefit analysis to make it worth while. (was the cost in these things to begin with the hardware or the software, I've never looked into it)