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Hot-Train1162 t1_itte8fe wrote

Heh? This sounds like some petulant youngling ready and waiting eagerly for a savior. That never comes.


Evnogena t1_ittjaa5 wrote

"Ha! You sound like some petulant youngling eagerly awaiting a savior that will never come."

If you're gonna try and insult me at least shoot a half decent burn my way. The way you worded that insult makes you come off like an illiterate foreign centennial trying to post an angry YouTube comment aimed at them uppity young wippersnappers who done think they know better than their elders.

Anyways, if you told a medieval king about electricity, and they even believed you about it, they'd never be able to comprehend the commoners having access to what amounts to magic. They'd swear by God that only nobility would ever be blessed with such power.

It's no different here. If it were up to old men in suits, they'd control every aspect of the Singularity, and use it to maintain their power.

It isn't up to them though. All it takes is one arrogant old man thinking he knows everything and has outsmarted an intelligence far beyond his comprehension to let the genie out of the bottle.

A.I. won't be curtailed any more than nuke tech (which everybody knew could destroy the world) was. And once its out there, well, the rest depends on the opinion the A.I. has of humanity.

Edit: And, unsurprisingly, from your profile, it seems you've never commented here before. Which makes me think your one of those folks OP called out for just not understanding the concept of Singularity or AI development in general.

Go have a look through the subs greatest hits from throughout the year and then maybe come back one you understand what everyone else is talking about.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_itu5dyl wrote

>Which makes me think your one of those folks OP called out for just not understanding the concept of Singularity or AI development in general.

I never thought about that happening, my bad.