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Sashinii t1_iurj3x6 wrote

It's AI like this that will lead to blue collar jobs and white collar jobs becoming obsolete around the same time in the 2020's, so basic income has to be implemented as soon as possible.


ExtraFun4319 t1_iustvpq wrote

>so basic income has to be implemented as soon as possible.

And if all jobs don't become obsolete this decade (which is an extreme take)?

Though I will admit that UBI should be a thing regardless of how many people are employed. Nobody should have to work to survive.


Kaarssteun t1_iurvcjt wrote

Every passing day I am more tempted to create the international Party of the Future


TheSingulatarian t1_iurz91y wrote

Will there be cake at this party?


tatleoat t1_iuu1jpf wrote

I think if AI can do our jobs it may be able to advocate for itself better than any of us can


HyperImmune t1_iursrgf wrote

I have a white collar job. I’m hoping things like this will augment my job so I can automate most of what I do with simple verbal prompts, and spend a majority of my time doing what I want while my AI assistant does most of my work. That is until we totally hit post scarcity and I can full dive into VR worlds for the rest of my existence.


visarga t1_iuskkry wrote

The previous paper displayed common sense knowledge transfer from language model to robotics - such as how to clean a coke spill, this one adds Python on top for numerical precision and reliable execution.

Everyone here thinks blue collar jobs are still safe. They're wrong. Stupid robots + language model = smart robots. Don't look at Spot that it only knows how to open dors and climb stairs, it can be the legs for the LLM.

So LLMs besides being AI writers and task solvers, can also code, do data science, operate robots and control application UIs. Most of these have their own startups/large companies behind. I think it's gonna be the operating system of 2030.


ninjasaid13 t1_iuszwmn wrote

>basic income has to be implemented as soon as possible.

but every job has to be replaced for everyone to think UBI needs to be implemented. Even all the pseudo work.


Different-Froyo9497 t1_iuxtse9 wrote

Maybe. Robots for blue collar work don’t scale the same as white collar work. Even if AGI were created today, it would take a long time before we can make enough construction/farming/manufacturing/etc. robots to take the place of billions of people. In fact even if robot growth were exponentially doubling each year it would take ~30 years to reach 5 billion robots. (I’m admittedly ignoring some important factors as to why we might need UBI sooner than 32 years)