Submitted by technofuture8 t3_ylo5hr in singularity

So I've read many articles about this and watched videos on it too, what they have done is they've made a collagen implant out of bovine (cow) collagen, this collagen implant is what they call a bioscaffold. It's called the BEAR implant (Bridge Enhanced ACL Restoration). They actually inject the collagen implant with the patient's own blood before putting it in the knee. The blood is supposed to form a blood clot which is necessary for the ACL to heal. This has been FDA approved so now it's slowly spreading to every hospital in the country. Can you believe how incredible this is, getting the ACL to heal itself was something not possible but now it is possible, this is incredible, this will eventually replace ACL reconstruction surgery.

Here's a 6 minute video where they interview the scientist who invented the BEAR implant and show you how it was invented.



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6omph9 t1_iuzj9z5 wrote

That's cool hopefully they can figure out how to repair spinal cords next.


Sasquatchmon t1_iuzn8h8 wrote

That’s what’s in my knee ! Bovine tendon !! Third times a charm lol


PandaCommando69 t1_iuzodam wrote

I hope they can use this for other tendons and on old injuries?


technofuture8 OP t1_iuzol18 wrote

No this is a collagen implant made out of cow collagen, but it gets absorbed by the body over months while the ACL regrows back to good as new. Unfortunately they would have completely removed your original ACL from your knee. Sorry man but your ACL is gone now.


modestLife1 t1_iuzopho wrote

bears? cows? man, using a plurality of animals to heal this sumbitch!!


wu-dai_clan2 t1_iuzpei2 wrote

This should replace autologous chondrocyte implantation soon.


Sea-Cake7470 t1_iuzpkot wrote

Immediate should be kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, brain and so on ..... Whatever it requires.... Collagen from animals or stem cells whatever.... Medical field is way behind ..... I mean common we're ABT to enter simulation but yet we're still far behind physically.... It needs tremendous new innovations and breakthrough.....


ActuaryGlittering16 t1_iuzpoim wrote

If we can do this for Achilles tendons I might actually lace up my Air Jordans for a few more years.


technofuture8 OP t1_iuzsvhc wrote

Well check this out, they cured this man's spinal cord injury using mesenchymal stem cells which they took from his belly fat.

Though I must say umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells are far superior than that, I've been researching mesenchymal stem cells for years so trust me. I first learned about mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) thanks to Joe Rogan, here watch this, this is just the first ten minutes the whole interview is on Spotify, but this how I became obsessed with MSCs

They used umbilical cord MSCs on covid 19 patients in a small trial and the results were fucking amazing look.

This company here is going through a phase 3 trial using umbilical cord MSCs for severe covid-19. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I think this might just be the first company in the USA to get approval for the use of mesenchymal stem cells from the FDA, as MSCs are not currently approved by the FDA.

Also check this out, I just posted this the other day. They used placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells to cure spina bifida in babies in California.


420villian t1_iv00hdv wrote

Now adrian Peterson can run for 3000 yards.


diskifi t1_iv015vg wrote

5 years too late for me. Regretting going through the surgery. Knee has been problematic ever since.

Good news that there will be better options available.


Phoenix5869 t1_iv04z28 wrote

Wait so this is fda approved and already bieng used? This is huge


Augustine_Pltypss t1_iv08qz8 wrote

Great... Next minute, people will be getting Mad Cow Knees.


dalledoeswalle t1_iv09qxf wrote

I’m an OR nurse, done a fair amount of sports medicine. They use all kinds of grafts that are made from human and non-human tissue. The one thing I will tell you is that most new medical procedures and drugs hyped in the press are exactly that: hype.


pls_pls_me t1_iv0bo2q wrote

I feel you man. Joints are assholes. I used to always say "well, at least my knees are fine" but now I have some sort of patellar issue that I can't seem to find a doctor to care about lol

Hopefully soon, my friend


TaurusPTPew t1_iv0fjyb wrote

Can they do the same with a torn/removed meniscus?


BootHead007 t1_iv0pgjq wrote

tHeY’rE tUrNiNg tHe PeOpLe iNtO cOwS!!


Halperwire t1_iv1fdzj wrote

Muse Cells Provide the Pluripotency of Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Direct Contribution of Muse Cells to Tissue Regeneration Have you come across muse cells?

Supposedly you can activate stem cell production in your body by lowering PKA levels. The stem cells are activated and go through cell division resulting in up to 8 progenitor cells. Of all stem cells the muse cells account for around 4%. If we have 7,400,000 total stem cells in a normal healthy person that comes out to about 300k muse cells. Couldn’t find a stem cell injection dosage anywhere to get a reference point but it would be interesting to see if how effective it would be to use your own body to product these stem cells by manually turning off PKA vs regular injections.


Dorangos t1_iv1k884 wrote

Jesus, this will be massive for Football (not Handegg, but probably that too)


diskifi t1_iv3c2yr wrote

Do your rehabilitation well. Not all knees end up like mine. There are pro football players who went through ACL reconstruction surgeries and they have done okay.


technofuture8 OP t1_iv8zh89 wrote

Well here you need to watch this, this doctor is using the BEAR implant, watch it you'll learn a lot about it. This BEAR implant will replace most ACL reconstruction surgeries, though some cases will need ACL reconstruction surgery but the BEAR implant is the future.

"BEAR: A Game-Changing ACL Repair Enables Regrowth - Dr. Marc Pietropaoli"


technofuture8 OP t1_iv8zob4 wrote

Sure but this one is a legit breakthrough and it's going to replace most ACL reconstruction surgeries. I mean it's approved by the FDA. I mean this is real they can literally get the ACL to regrow to good as new, this is pretty fucking amazing actually.

Here watch this doctor go over the BEAR implant and what it means for the future of ACL repair.


Halperwire t1_ivn8dh0 wrote

How depressing was that 😩

We are all going to wither away as our stem cells inevitably deplete then we die. Our only hope is that elixir becomes cheap and widespread enough that we all can take it every month or so to prevent using up our own stem cells.

You should try reading the phoenix protocal. I think you would find it interesting. The science is not well tested but I do think you can boost your body’s stem cell count but it’s unclear by how much. By that I mean they get into how this process in theory works but we are always regenerating out stem cell count. The difference being maybe it takes half the time while fasting vs a normal diet etc. Also I would like to know if it’s possible for someone’s normal healthy stem cell count to go up over time if they’ve gone from poor vascular to health to improved. Is vascular density really the limiting factor up until our telomeres disappear?


HotDocGamer t1_ivuoxpt wrote

One day before your surgery, if it's a grade 2 do reconsider your surgery. It's only been 8 months since my surgery kinda regretting it, crepitus and joint friction has been worse than it was before. Loss of proprioception also makes my knee feel worse .


ToeTacTic t1_iwkulem wrote

Sorry to hear that. I know I had a good effort at trying to fix it through Kneesovertoes but ultimately I couldn't really run quickly with comfort and turn very well with confidence so that's why I've quickly pushed for the surgery. I didn't see your comment till today but I ended up getting the surgery.

It concerns me that I don't know the grade and that sort of information but well, I've committed.

My consultant is supposed to be very good specialist so I'm just banking on the quality of his work and the quality of my postop physio now.


HotDocGamer t1_ix1m2wj wrote

It's alright buddy. Just be consistent with the rehab. As for the previous reply, I was asking if you had any real buckling symptoms when you're on with your daily activities. Because I didn't have much, but there was crepitus at time and that worried me of osteoarthritis and wanted me to push for surgery to prevent any such. But the crepitus has gone worse. I'm still trying to recover some people it'll take over a year to properly recover from the surgery. So I'm doing my part and hoping for the best. Good luck to you too!