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TheDividendReport t1_iv0prel wrote

We should be using AI to automate work precisely so that we can spend more time reading to our children, not so that we can spend more time preparing our body and mind for the next day’s work.

I’m just realizing my dad never read to me because he was always working and I might be a little hung up about it.


fractal_engineer t1_iv0sqcs wrote

You'll have kids identifying as cat people in no time with those ai bedtime stories


MrDreamster t1_iv0wvxn wrote

Why bother making kids if It's not to spend some quality time with them ?


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iv10es0 wrote

Dude, fuck everything about that.

Reading nightly bedtime stories to my kid from the time she was six months old until she was almost 12 years old was an awesome bonding experience that I would never relinquish to a goddamn bot.

Automating real work so you have time to create stronger families and children with better mental health is where it's at.


Kolinnor t1_iv12ygf wrote

Not bad at all : I had a go with "The vampire who ate Carpets"

The vampire was always hungry. No matter how much he ate, he could never seem to get full. One night, he smelled something delicious coming from a nearby house. He followed the scent to a beautiful carpet, and he just couldn't resist. He sank his teeth into the soft fabric and started to feast.

The vampire went to the next house and smelled another delicious carpet. He started to eat, but after a few bites he realized that something was wrong. This carpet didn't taste right. In fact, it tasted terrible! He tried to spit it out, but it was too late. He was already sick.

The vampire had to go to the hospital, where he was treated for carpet poisoning. He was never able to eat carpets again, and he always made sure to check the label before he took a bite.

The end.


Dry_Expert7006 t1_iv16a23 wrote

I don't see this as a negative. If this can be easily accessible maybe a kid can get bedtime stories red to them despite having absent parents.


Albertsongman t1_iv1szzy wrote

Tech is ruining things. It’s creating distant, lazy, moody, easily manipulated people that don’t know how to cope in an economy that doesn’t compensate them. Birth rates are going down.


tedd321 t1_iv1tyig wrote

Yes you are correct.

The weird thing is people are designing AI to replace the creative jobs first…


Why the hell are we wasting time building auto music generators, auto story tellers, auto essay writers…

That’s the parts we’re supposed to be doing while the AI does the excel spreadsheets and the garbage dumping…

I work in automation to let people have more time with their families and work remotely.

Not so that we can work more…

I’m the same as you, our whole generation grew up without fathers because our fathers were too busy working.


ShadowRazz t1_iv1w6sk wrote

Why stop there? Why not have AI raise your kids for you too. Take them to school. Even have an AI tell your kids it loves them twice a day in a gentle soothing voice.


ZaxLofful t1_iv1xffa wrote

This is one of those things….That is not OK for AI to do for you.

You are supposed to interact and be with your children…The bedtime story would be useless if it was told by anyone other than the parent.

It’s a form of binding and it’s a very intimate one.

Technology is only bad when it comes between the human connection.


pleeplious t1_iv1y6a5 wrote

Don’t put in “A Jew that wants to be a Nazi”. Not cool.


[deleted] t1_iv29wia wrote

"Why the hell are we wasting time building auto music generators, auto story tellers, auto essay writers" . A lot of people including me are bad at it lol. But more seriously to be entertained.


Albertsongman t1_iv2b7lq wrote

Watch “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix. … The attention of our population is under a stranglehold. Our information is sold so we get intrusive marketing to skew us to buy things we can’t afford. Our elected reps take behind-the scenes payola to do nothing or favors to big corporations. … Citizens United says corporations are people. I say then by default people are corporations too. Let people reap the benefits of big business. … Let’s slap lobbyists out of Congress & our elected officials at state level too. …


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iv2b7tf wrote

You know, in some parts of the world creatives and original thinkers get put against a wall and shot.

Unfettered imaginations > free minds > free societies.

In the civilized world, we do not murder creative people. We simply rob them of all purpose, denigrate true originality, push cynicism as a form of rebellion, and brain wash them as youths into thinking that the most subversive thing they can do is blow their brains out with drugs.


[deleted] t1_iv2blep wrote

And that's rising kids? Even I would not want to deal with my 10 year old self. I dont ever want kids. I thought the point was to automate everything so that no one has any responsibility.


cydude1234 t1_iv2et6p wrote

So many people in the comments missing the point omg. The ai makes the stories. YOU STILL READ THEM


thatgibbyguy t1_iv2ur8r wrote

Whomever uses this to replace themselves deserves whatever weird shit manifests in their kids.


WillBigly t1_iv2vof8 wrote

I'm going to make it a point to refuse this type of outsourcing to my kids, they deserve better. If you absolutely need a tutor or something sure, but it's about connecting with your kid......missing the point thinking about interaction as a transaction where I sell story you pay by going to sleep


claushauler t1_iv30pyr wrote

They don't care about humanity: they're busy engineering a new species entirely. People think AI is being developed in order to serve us. That's wrong. They're building it to surpass us.

This is the equivalent of Cro magnons or neanderthals seeing the emergence of homo sapiens and thinking that people were there to help them. Nothing could be further from the truth.


MagicOfBarca t1_iv399w3 wrote

This was so cool. Told it to write a story about a mouse wanting to be a lion, gave me a good chuckle


nitonitonii t1_iv3j54s wrote

This was suppose to be to spend time with your kids, not about the stories...


turnip_burrito t1_iv3pcyt wrote

Next we should have an AI that plays catch with your kids and asks them how their day was, so you, their real parent, can keep playing WoW VR 24/7 without having to talk to them