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sideways t1_iv4pq4a wrote

It's not. He's a narcissist with poor judgement.


PandaCommando69 t1_iv4q15v wrote

Probably that, but further, he seems like he's just coming unglued/spiraling out of control. Seems to be a lot of that going around..


Fibonacci1664 t1_iv4v8ys wrote

Hmmm... A narcissist probably, but poor judgement just doesn't make sense.

You don't become the riches man on the planet if you have poor judgement. You end up a homeless junkie pimping out your own ass for your next fix.

I get that there is a lot of love and hate on both sides for Elon and honestly I have no dog in that fight, but statements like that are simply not based in reality.

Now, has he made mistakes before that were caused by poor judgement, obviously yes, haven't we all. He is only human after all, maybe...

But again to generalise him as someone with poor judgement is very obviously not true.


sideways t1_iv4yctu wrote

It's possible to have good judgement in some areas and poor in others. In this case, I'd call it poor.


crunchycode t1_iv5uzz6 wrote

His way of things: it works great, until it doesn't. cf. Jobs, Steve.


ChronoPsyche t1_iv4qs8e wrote

Resist the temptation to make everything in the world about "xyz topic of interest". I see this a lot in certain subreddits that revolve around something members see as revolutionary. For example, r/superstonk members thinking that everything in the world is related to a conspiracy to suppress GME.

So no, he's not secretly firing people because of the "coming AI takeover", whatever that means.

He overspent on Twitter and is trying to cut costs. Elon Musk is infamous for overworking his employees, so it seems he thinks he can fire half of them and then just have the other half work twice as much. That of course isn't going to work, but he will discover that the hard way.


sensationswahn t1_iv5453c wrote

Fair point about r/superstonk , there is a lot of weird things going on with that stock though.


ChronoPsyche t1_iv5hh2h wrote

For sure there is. It's just, sometimes the alleged associations get a little bit "out there".


dasnihil t1_iv50zi5 wrote

i personally never care about what elon does or says but my best guess is that he loves saying/doing outrageous stuff to stay on limelight maybe.

also for many that don't know, he was one of the founding members of OpenAI.


hugosebas t1_iv61vac wrote

So the question remains, what did he see on Twitter that is worth spending 40 Billion dollars?

I mean, he has done some very questionable choices in the past, like The Boring Company hyperloops, but even that at least has a reasonable motive behind it, if you really squeeze your eyes, it kinda makes sense. Twitter though? Idk what is he seeing on Twitter that can possible be worth 40 Billion.

Usually he has a long term vision for the things he invests on. The best reason I have seen so far is that he wants to make Twitter, a Tiktok, but for text.


ChronoPsyche t1_iv62v7c wrote

We've known he has wanted to make his own social media to compete with Twitter for a while. To accomplish this he decided to just buy Twitter and turn it into his desired social media. Basically buying out the competition.

This is a very common practice, the difference is that instead of it being a big company buying out a small company, it's a billionaire buying out a big company. Never before possible until recently with the wealth of billionaires ballooning to insane heights.


hugosebas t1_iv65053 wrote

Yeah, but for 40 Billion? Is it really that worth making a Twitter competitor for that much money? In my mind, given what he did with his other companies he will try to innovate social media, I just don't really understand how that can possibly be worth 1/5 of his net worth.


ChronoPsyche t1_iv67k1g wrote

What do you mean by innovate?


hugosebas t1_iv6iwmt wrote

I am not sure if I understand your question, Google gives me the definition below:
Innovate: "make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products."

If you are asking how it is that Musk will innovate Twitter, that is what I would like to know, will he just try to optimize management?, maybe with AI?, automating staff?, reducing costs? Is that enough to recover his money? I don't think so, in my view, he would need to make Twitter better as a product to consumers and I just don't really know how he can achieve that in order to recover 40 Billion dollars.

In a recent interview, when talking about Twitter, he said this:
"In terms of what it could be, I think there is an enormous amount of potential, that will be very difficult to achieve, but I think possible and I think ultimately it could be one of the most valuable companies in the world"

Innovation is this untapped potential he believes Twitter has, that can make the company one of the most valuable companies in the world, I'm just curious to what is his vision for Twitter.


ChronoPsyche t1_iv6qxed wrote

I know what the word innovate means. It seemed like you had something in particular in mind you thought he was going to do. If not, then I'll point you to the possibility that he may want to make Twitter like WeChat.


hugosebas t1_iv6t9iy wrote

Nah, I didn't have anything in mind really, the closest thing I got was to make some kind of Tiktok/Twitter hybrid. I heard that he wanted to make it like WeChat, but honestly I didn't really looked much into how WeChat worked and I always thought it was some kind of Facebook/WhatsApp, but looking into it a bit more, I am starting to understand what he wants to do. It is in fact something we don't have here in the west, but given that WeChat is China only and given that we have all kind of currencies here in the West it will be kinda hard to implement something like that globally, at least the financial part of WeChat. But ok, at least I am starting to understand where this is going.


hugosebas t1_iv68jtc wrote

Twitter is bleeding money atm and as been in the last 2 years, Twitter's best year was 2019 with 1,4 Billion annual net profit, even if he could maintain that, it would take around 30 years before he can make his money back. If he is not expecting to make Twitter into something truly revolutionary, I don't know what is he thinking.


ChronoPsyche t1_iv6rgcv wrote

It's definitely not out of the realm of possibility that he is not acting rationally. He is a smart businessman but he is also a huge risk taker. A lot of his risks have paid off, a lot haven't.


blueSGL t1_iv80z8y wrote

> what did he see on Twitter that is worth spending 40 Billion dollars?

as far as I can remember all his financials (and the world's in general were way better when he put the offer in) problem with locking something like that in and then the wind changes is you can be on the hook for comparatively a lot more because the sale price does not change but the economic climate has.

It really looked like he wanted to go to court to get out of the deal, discovery started and they allowed in communications that would have meant he has to pay anyway because of what was said, so he dropped it all and paid up.


Angeldust01 t1_iv4oizu wrote

> Is Twitter Secretly "Going AI"

No it's not. Elon doesn't have an AI capable moderating twitter.

Maybe his plan is to create content moderation algorithm, but that's not an AI.. and considering the fact that he just fired about half of twitter's employees, who's going to develop that algorithm? Those things take lots of work to get working, you know?

Also why would he keep that secret?


ChocolateFit9026 t1_iv6dqxt wrote

Why do you think AI content moderation is very difficult? Only difference between an AI model and an algorithm is the model is trained with data


Angeldust01 t1_iv8qbz7 wrote

> Why do you think AI content moderation is very difficult?

Uh, because there's nobody that has managed to do that well?


JohnEliasAdams t1_iv93o0a wrote

It’s not about AI moderation. Most likely this data involving human social interaction and debate will be mined for use in the Teslabot (Optimus). Quite like how the Tesla automotive line uses video feed to optimize driving behavior. That’s just my opinion.


hugosebas t1_iv62vo4 wrote

>Also why would he keep that secret?

He owns all of Twitter now, what would he get from telling the world his plans for Twitter? It is not like needs to appease shareholders.


Angeldust01 t1_iv8q9w9 wrote

why would he keep that secret?


hugosebas t1_iv8v0tq wrote

I'm not saying "Twitter is secretly going AI", but as a business perspective it makes sense to keep your moves secret from competitors. Also you don't really get much from revealing your plans as a private owned company, it would make more sense if it were public, but as a private company the only reason you would be showing your plans would be in an attempt to recruit talent.
You see it in Neuralink and Open AI, I would love to know more about GPT4, but this is what we get.


ginger_gcups t1_iv4r356 wrote

No. Elon Musk is in over his head. He's drunk his own Kool Aid. Trouble is, he's giving Flavor-Aid to his staff, company, and investors.

This time next year, Twitter will be the new Tumblr, and Tesla will be the new Delorean.


ExtraFun4319 t1_iv62jdq wrote

>He's drunk his own Kool Aid.

So the con man conned himself?


Lawjarp2 t1_iv4xyuv wrote

Elon mostly just fired a lot of ML related teams. Lol.


Torrall t1_iv6wxlc wrote

Jesus christ STOP making these people up, you have to stop seeing "rich" and immediately applying "smart". No one is steps ahead of everyone else doing these cartoonishly Machiavelli moves.


[deleted] t1_iv5mvdy wrote

Bah. Like Facebook, Twitter is a platform that gained widespread traction in a small amount of time, via state-sponsored founders which the various powers to be knew they could control.

Twitter is a cobbled-together mess of PHP server farms, just like Facebook. AI assuredly plays an extensive role with Twitter for their recommender systems and the like, but guaranteed its the Twitter-per-user scaling factor on infrastructure services amount in terms of dollars and cents which drives profitability and causes advertising to be such a requirement in their financial model.

Twitter realistically could be (and should) be rewritten from the ground up from a technology stack perspective. Wouldn't take more than a few months to do it right, pennies on the dollar per user infrastructure fees etc.


MythOfMyself OP t1_iv6086k wrote

But how about the data on people? All that cross info


[deleted] t1_ivanw18 wrote

Oh sure, ultimately speaking Twitter is there to harvest as much information as possible, just like Facebook; shareholder profits are second to that missive. Geolocation data especially, all of these apps have access to GPS data if permissions are enabled by the user, and to additional sensor data such as accelerometer trajectories that can be used by AI models to pinpoint exact user geolocation by picking up on things like potholes and specific trajectories of curves of roads during travel, even if GPS permissions have been disabled by the user.

  1. The U.S. federal government and their WEF handlers are entitled to all of that surveillance data, because they worked behind the scenes to leverage their embedded media operatives to promote Twitter/Facebook/TikTok etc during nascent stages, in exchange for IPOs and Ferraris for the corporate founders;

  2. Shareholders are entitled to ever-increasing profits, that's why they signed up for the promises of #1 above; but

  3. Bearded Dorsey make the mistake of getting involved in politics and then disappointed one-too-many shareholders with their earnings calls, just like Facebook is doing, because... it's just an app;

  4. Cue corporate cleanup team.

Anyways understand that AI is always in the background of these projects, you rarely see the effects of AI and what it's being used for in social networking beyond recommender systems (what Twitter recommends you follow or buy next). The real application of AI with Twitter and Facebook and TikTok and the rest is hidden, that's the part where they are using deep neural networks to divine insights about crowd dynamics and social hierarchies and influencer analysis into what drives people to act in large numbers, etc. You don't see any of those results, nor do their shareholders. That all goes back to Aunt Sam.


IlIIlIlIlIIlIIlIllll t1_iv5wviz wrote

Hey Johnny, hold my beer real quick, I'm going AI.


MythOfMyself OP t1_iv7ibpt wrote

Through the mainframe with no virtual lube, mind you. Leroy Jenkins style 🤘


turnip_burrito t1_iv6x18r wrote

This is unlikely. Not everything happens for a reason related to AI. And Musk has a reputation for making not well thought out decisions when it comes to some things.


JohnEliasAdams t1_iv93vzl wrote

Master plan part II incoming. He needs a human social interaction database for Teslabot. Twitter is perfect to train this AI to interact with humans.


Remote-Ad4701 t1_iv59wes wrote

Yes. Google is literal skynet.


MythOfMyself OP t1_iv7idbt wrote

If u say so 🙂


Remote-Ad4701 t1_iv7qu5r wrote

That is why Musk is doing neuralink

So that humans can compete with machines.

He said it himself

Ai is coming 100%

Matrix movie will be our life.

U cant escape that

Musk knows that, musk is genius, no cap, no homo.

Fun fact, orginal writer of matrix and terminator that wachowskis fake t***s thiefs, matrix agents stole, is one writer and matrix is just follow up to terminator. When u think of it, its mind blowing and makes total sense. When u listen to her, orginal creator, she makes total sense, its all like coming together and it blew my mind wide open. She is the oracle in movie, she put herself in book and her character always resemble her, even in looks. Its impossible to not be truth.

Here and there are agents and ppl wanting to kill, stop ai, there are no other 2 movies like that.

Matrix, terminator is one of my fav movies of all time and undoubtedly matrix changed my life, like eyes opener.

U see matrix 4, u see sense8, than u listen to those gen***r benders and u listen to orginal, spiritual creator and If u still think they created matrix, u got brain of mouse.

If u think that shit is impossible, well, what do I need to tell u, epstein killed himself, u dont live in bubble and biden really won fairly, beep beep beep, orange man bad xddd hahaha


NoRip7374 t1_iv70blv wrote

No, really. If you ever work on big software projects, you would understand what just happened. There is a joke saying that 5% programmers are doing 90% of work. It is a joke, but it's not completely disconnected from reality. Programmers tend to over-complicate. They create mini project just because they feel they will learn new technology, language and they will put it on their CV. They introduce complex feature, because hey, it might be useful in the future. They are lazy. They are like kids sometimes and what they need is strong hand to shake them up and they will deliver. They will gladly work more hours if they feel it make sense or they are building something that have deeper meaning. This is what Musk is bringing to table. Deeper meaning to remaining programmers, building platform for free speech.


MythOfMyself OP t1_iv4rlbs wrote

You guys are really naive, yikes. :)


To not even consider this as a real possibility.

Okay. sorry for bringing it up.


** points fist at the sky and screams uhhh musskkkk **


dasnihil t1_iv51cou wrote

when most people are meh about your ideas, it could either mean most people are naive, like in Albert Einstein's case. or it could also mean that you are naive. have you done introspection enough to know or do you just say it to defend your ego over random hypothesis weaved together by a conspiratorial mindset. nothing against you tho, if it turns out to be true, you get to be Einstein for a bit.


MythOfMyself OP t1_iv523o3 wrote

Haha, that's all right. You were a nice downer. I'll tell Sky to give you a quick one 🤖


dasnihil t1_iv57q83 wrote

what kind of lingo that even is lol


MythOfMyself OP t1_iv7ih8x wrote

200 quantum iq points, grab a dictionary next time 😁