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gahblahblah t1_iv9mcnq wrote

A quote from my link "An AlphaFold prediction helped to determine the structure of a bacterial protein that Lupas’s lab has been trying to crack for years."

The tools is already being helpful - but you don't seem to think this counts as meaningful progress because 'more work is needed'.

Your definition for progress would make you blind to the majority of progress. Improved tools are progress, and this tool is helpful right now, and it is not a small benefit, no. You may be ignorant of the benefits, but this doesn't mean they don't exist


ChoosenUserName4 t1_iv9xxz2 wrote

Read my comment. Going from a computer prediction to something that will prolong your life, isn't something that scales exponentially. All I said is that we had pretty accurate computer predictions decades ago, and look where that got us. Yes, it's helpful, yes it's better, but it's not game changing when it comes to immortality, and there isn't a clear next exponential step.

The wishful thinking in this sub borders on religion. I am going to unsubscribe since I had enough of this bullshit here.


gahblahblah t1_ivcejoe wrote

I have provided direct evidence for my views. You could try r/longevity. It is a science based sub - although you may find that they disagree with you there too. Bye bye.


ChoosenUserName4 t1_ive0fd7 wrote

Too many fanbois on this sub. You have provided no evidence at all, you haven't got a clue what you're talking about. Keep hoping, keep wishing. I'm done debating 14 year olds.