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[deleted] t1_ivcny0n wrote

100% the biggest barriers to ordinary people benefitting from scientific breakthroughs is our harsh unequal capitalist system.

It’s laughable seeing people think that all we need to do is discover life extension.

I bet they sell it with a multimillion dollar per year subscription attached.

I bet that then leads to a political movement asking for it as a human right but just like most movements demanding access to life in the form of housing, food, healthcare etc which have been raging for centuries against our current system, there’s no guarantee of victory at all.

In fact I think the asymmetric power imbalance has never really been worse.

Police are more militarised than ever. Mass surveillance is a weapon of repression an order of magnitude more powerful and one-sided than the invention of iron or gunpowder… it could well be true that capitalism has completely triumphed and so ordinary people will never be able to afford life extension.

I put the odds of this at 90%.


StarChild413 t1_ivedwqo wrote

so we just need to inspire people with the promise-via-parallel of immortality to join a movement for housing, food and healthcare as human rights and have among the movement good enough hackers to combat the surveillance state to make those rights a guarantee so immortality is


[deleted] t1_ivelyuf wrote

Hackers like that exist but get captured by state interests fairly fast, competing probably isn’t viable. That said I do think there is an internationalist protracted people’s war ongoing against capitalist interests that is the best hope for the socialising of immortality tech.

Until that tech is discovered, socialising healthcare is the necessary preparation.