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Phoenix5869 t1_ivwv5ov wrote

sry but we are nowhere near agi. I would be surprised if it happens before the mid to late 2040s


TheHamsterSandwich t1_ivxw6gr wrote

Ah yes, and you based this on your feelings right?


Phoenix5869 t1_ivyr6bn wrote

Ask pretty much any expert and theyll tell u that we are decades away from proto agi, let alone agi. In fact a lot of them would probably laugh at how optimistic im bieng


TheHamsterSandwich t1_ivywkwy wrote

Which expert


Russila t1_ivznvka wrote

At this point I'd really like to hear what experts these people are talking about. We seem to be able to name and cite sources from dozens of experts yet anytime you ask pessimists its always "Well you know... Most people. I can't name one. But most experts say I am right."


TheHamsterSandwich t1_ivzxc6e wrote

I literally responded to a post and I remember someone saying

"You know, the experts, people that got PhDs in the stuff, people that spent 30 years studying the field. Not, Reddit experts that watched a sketchy YouTube video and then formed an opinion based on wishful thinking."


yes yes. the experts, of course. how could I be so blind?

the experts. Yet nobody knows who they are.


^(fucking bullshit)


Russila t1_iw01u75 wrote

Yes, the experts that got PHD's in the stuff, people that spent 30 years studying the field. John Carmack, Andrej Karpathy, Demis Hassabis, all the people in ops post. What do they say? 10 years or less? Oh... Well they aren't real experts because they don't agree with me.


Phoenix5869 t1_ivyz4ir wrote

I cant find the article but it seems like were decades away from agi, would love to be proven wrong tho
