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4e_65_6f t1_iw2vumj wrote

>You will have to satisfy their needs and police them forever if they reproduce.

You won't have to do anything, it's all automated including the planning and execution.


>Why would you want to be tied to them forever?

You don't have to, you can just copy the AI for them and bail to outer space or whatever the hell else you'd do without humanity.


>It's like taking care of the needs of every wild animal in this world, you'd rather not

If I had to put in work, then no. If I could just say "do it", I would. And I don't even particularly like animals tbh.


>and humans occupy useful space on the planet,

There's plenty of space for machines on the moon, in mars, in the ocean or underground. Why could you possibly need the entire earth without humans for?


>they can rebel and be a nuissance to your establishment etc.

They can't though, the AI will be a thousand steps ahead.


OneRedditAccount2000 t1_iw2x2ui wrote

They're still a threat. You'd have to spy on them 24/7 to make sure they don't create another AI.

Long term you're better off without them imo. Coexistence would only work short term.

The universe will dissipate ventually and you ll need every resource


cjeam t1_iw4i00b wrote

Billionaires are very immoral people, and the resources available to them are limited by the presence of the rest of us. You can see that in their behaviour now, buying all the neighbouring properties in an area to have more space, exclusive use of things that require space and time.


4e_65_6f t1_iw4jirh wrote

>Billionaires are very immoral people

While I don't disagree with that, I still don't think there's anything to be gained from letting everyone starve.

Like Jeff Bezos can buy a billion hamburgers but he can't eat them all. With automatic production what is the point in hoarding something that it's free for you to produce and nobody can buy? It would be like hoarding sand.

What resources do you think AGI couldn't produce automatically and therefore would be scarce still?


cjeam t1_iw4k2cy wrote

Space, time, privacy, silence, exclusivity.


4e_65_6f t1_iw4l7d3 wrote

Can't you think of some solutions to those problems that don't involve killing humanity? I'm sure AGI will.

Unless the person who "owns" the AGI is literally Hitler, I don't see the worst case scenario happening.