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TheHamsterSandwich t1_iw3answ wrote

I'm not sure that the sun will rise tomorrow, but it seems likely as it's been happening for as long as I've been alive.

Same goes for exponential growth.

Does the Singularity seem likely? In my highly uneducated view, I'd say yes. But of course I'd say something like that wouldn't I?

When it comes to Ray Kurzweil, I can see how his optimistic vision of the future could come to fruition. But I also see how he could be completely wrong and he's predicting something that will happen in the far future. Am I going to stay healthy for as long as I can, to potentially see what that the future has in store for humanity? Hell ye.

Either way, it seems that some type of change is coming and is inevitable. Whether it's within our lifetimes or not is yet to be seen. So, do I stay immobile in the sand waiting for the water to come? No. I live my life, enjoy every second and maybe, even if there's just a small chance, I'll get to witness the birth of a Utopia.

+ that whole thing with rich people seeing us as being baggage is kind of funny. I'm sure there are some rich people that value sentient life :)