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VanceIX t1_iw3r7v0 wrote

The world is unfair because the nature of the value of human labor is inherently unfair. Someone having a degree working as a neurosurgeon provides more economic benefit to a society and is thus paid more than someone doing manual labor. It is what it is. To say this will change at any given point is bonkers, the ONLY thing that could possibly change this is the value of all human labor dropping to 0 (i.e. what we will hopefully see with AI this century).


spazzadourx t1_iw3tdb8 wrote

There is very little competition in neurosurgery because they will almost always have to be from a comfortable background limiting what we could achieve in the field and rewarding mediocrity among rich people. Competition is basically what's supposed to make capitalism better.

It's still not the same as being a manager or HR wanker who do not have any skills you cant find in a poorer less educated person. They hold our society back for personal gain and will continue to do so. If you think some of the office jobs that people have are MORE valuable than manual labour you're deluded. Look in any government office ffs. Or any pretentious over educated sheltered kid start up bound to fail. That is why 'bubble bursts' happen people discover they have over valued certain jobs and businesses simply because theyre uppity.

I don't know what point you're even trying to make my original point was that a lot of inefficiency is caused because of our class system and it's not going to stop because of AI. People predict this perfectly efficient world with UBI which is not going to happen atleast in our lifetimes. The jobs that are the easiest and cheapest to automate are already easy and grossly overpaid because they are posher.
