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visarga t1_iw8l43h wrote

You forgot the third element here: technology marching forward. Discoveries coming one by one from everywhere, USA, Europe, China, from universities, from companies, from hackers teaming up with visionary investors. It's impossible to get everyone to stop developing these models. If one of them disagrees, then releases a trained model, it becomes impossible to control how it is used. We already have pretty powerful models into the wild, nobody can put them back. What I mean is that technology, through 1000 forces, will march progress ahead no matter if we like it or not.

It might not be apparent but a ML engineers jobs are being "taken away" by GPT-3 at a huge speed. What used to take months to code and years to label can be achieved with a prompt and no training data today. No need to know PyTorch, Keras or Tensorflow. No need to know exactly the architecture of the network or how it was trained. This used to be the bread of many ML engineers. So it's not just artists. We all have to be assimilated by the new technology and find our new place.